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Everything posted by Manticore4

  1. I got my copy of the steel book from Amazon UK. I’m not sure if they still have them or not, though they are probably now out of stock there.
  2. Personally, I laughed throughout the movie, it was very entertaining. As aI wrote above, I loved it, it definitely laughed at itself as it generally made fun of the “plastic” nature of that culture (pun both intended and unintended!) it was funny on many levels. I have no idea whether you would like it, but there are many reviews out there about it. You can go on IMDb to read a lot of user reviews.
  3. Welcome to Media Psychos, @MeadowsProductions, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  4. Welcome to Media Psychos, @stiehl, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  5. Welcome to Media Psychos, @dudedudedude, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  6. FYI, North American Psychos, I posted this in the German room, “Dies und Das”: I’ve been trying to figure out why there is so much animosity in the German room towards the movie Barbie, and I do believe that it is a cultural phenomenon that appeals much more to Americans than Germans (or Europeans in general). There has been a HUGE number of new members that were drawn in by the announcement of the Barbie Manta Lab editions, well over 50 new members since the announcement of this Group Buy. That’s really almost unbelievable if it weren’t true, but it is. I regularly greet new members, and I have barely been able to keep up with the torrent of new sign-ups to be members of MP. A simple tally of the people who have ordered a Manta Lab Barbie edition is quite surprising. Only THREE people from Germany, ONE from Switzerland and NONE from Austria have made requests, while so far there are 104 requests from the USA. That might say something about the appeal of this movie, whether it’s the humor or the writing or the iconography of Mattel toys…. Who knows??? I am a heterosexual male, and I absolutely loved the movie because it was able to laugh at itself. Certainly this will bring up some discussion I hope…
  7. Also…..Nils @extantsrevenge: I really loved WW84, too, I thought it was certainly better than most of the members in this room….. but I am one who would watch Gal Gadot read the phone book out loud for two hours. 🙂
  8. Guten MORGEN, DEUTSCHLANDERS! Schönen Samstag an alle! I’ve been trying to figure out why there is so much animosity in the German room towards the movie Barbie, and I do believe that it is a cultural phenomenon that appeals much more to Americans than Germans (or Europeans in general). There has been a HUGE number of new members that were drawn in by the announcement of the Barbie Manta Lab editions, well over 50 new members since the announcement of this Group Buy. That’s really almost unbelievable if it weren’t true, but it is. I regularly greet new members and say hello, and I have barely been able to keep up with the torrent of new sign-ups to be members of MP. A simple tally of the people who have ordered the Manta Lab edition is quite surprising. Only THREE people from Germany, ONE from Switzerland and NONE from Austria have made requests, while so far there are 104 requests from the USA. That might say something about the appeal of this movie, whether it’s the humor or the writing or the iconography of Mattel toys…. Who knows??? I am a heterosexual male, and I absolutely loved the movie because it was able to laugh at itself. Certainly this will bring up some discussion I hope…
  9. I thought it was pretty hilarious, but it seems like many of the German group did not like it. Greta Gerwig is always a smart, snappy director, and her husband Noah Baumbach co-wrote the script with her. now, where is our premium edition of Oppenheimer?!?!?!?!
  10. Sure, why not? The German version ("Dies und Das") is a virtual United Nations of MP members from all over the world.
  11. On another note, there have been a TON of new members join MP this past week as a result of the Manta Lab Barbie editions sign-up. Maybe we can get a few of them lured to "This and That..." and expand our daily conversations beyond "hope everyone has a great day" and the weather forecast! (I'm guilty for both of those!)
  12. I've had two of the new 4K editions arrive, and I need to crack one of them open PRONTO! Perfect movie for a Friday night in OCTOBER!
  13. Welcome to Media Psychos, @GusBunderfield, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  14. Welcome to Media Psychos, @MovieDude247, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  15. Welcome to Media Psychos, @Player3D, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  16. Welcome to Media Psychos, @Chocoman, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  17. Welcome to Media Psychos, @Lpbskinner, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  18. Welcome to Media Psychos, @Num27, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  19. Welcome to Media Psychos, @kennyp, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  20. Welcome to Media Psychos, @Pushandshuvit, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  21. Happy Friday, psychos! Hope everybody has plans for a fantastic weekend coming up!
  22. Welcome to Media Psychos, @sebastianf! We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  23. Welcome to Media Psychos, @Genol, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys. Dig in and have fun!
  24. Einen sehr schönen Freitagmorgen wünsche ich meinen deutschsprachigen medienpsychotisch verrückten Freunden! Ich wünsche allen einen fantastischen „Wochenendabend“ voller Spaß und der für Ihre Frau verrückt-psychotischen Anschauung Ihrer vielen Filme auf disc! (If that all makes any sense, let me know!)
  25. That’s a good idea to order from them….and I agree wholeheartedly that this fantastic film deserves a steelbook!

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