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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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  1. I’m really just joking. I did like the BF Blind Box. It didn’t end up how I wanted, but the process was a nice change of pace.
  2. As long as I don't have to join before I know what it is. Oops.
  3. Sorry @Heywoodmoutaw. I spoke to soon, @Fortis93 wins the internet today.
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA, You win the internet today, my friend, you smelly bugger!
  5. All stories seem simple to the teller . . . they've hovered in them so long, the cinema is invisible to them. . . . you mean OUR Oscar nomination. When we win, which we most certainly will, during the acceptance speech, you can go first. I'll be the partner in crime, standing behind you nodding at your genius as the audience is spellbound, recalling the moment they saw our film, and how they were transformed. However, I will dance with Scarlett Johansen at the after party, while you sip champagne and regale Spielberg, Scorsese, Lynch, and Linklater with your vision of the existential cinema of the future. Together, our film will cause the sun to shine differently for all, at its morning rise. For the first time, humans will see rainbows in their eyes when the sun shines, no matter the direction they gaze, or the mood they inhabit.
  6. Seems complicated . . . I've got a better idea . . .
  7. The last years I have sat out the football challenge because . . . I know NOTHING about soccer. So, I'm here to enlist a consultant. Your pay will be this . . . I will follow you and like every post you post for one month. Who's willing to help a clueless American? (I would ask Helmut but he's already my collection consultant 😆)
  8. Good morning all . . . So far this year, our summer has been an incredible run of perfect weather: 55 in the morning (perfect for my morning 5k), going up to 80 in the day, here in the Shenandoah Valley. Yesterday started at 6AM. With our backpacks, we headed to Humpback Rock for a 3 mile hike, then to the Rockfish River where the dogs dove for fish and we waded in with our water shoes, and sat on the bank with a thermos of coffee. Then to Shamokin Springs on the top of Devil's Backbone mountain, the springs were full, and flowing, there was a very chill mist in the air, and if a water nymph would have jumped up from behind a rock, or a Rivendell Elf would have appeared, I would not have been surprised. Lunch at a brewery on 151 in Nelson County at the foot of the Blue Ridge, with some amazing locally grown burgers, and yes, a real, homemade jug of root beer (they grow their own sassafras). Last night, we made a fire and sat outside until well after dark. The neighbors had a party on their deck, and the other neighbors were outside, having a big family gathering after a wedding. It seemed like the laughter and joy were bouncing off the Alleghany Mountains to the west, and the Blue Ridge mountains to the east (we can see both ranges from our house in the middle of the valley). The dogs didn't bark, the mosquitos weren't out, and the smoke from the fire went straight up in the air and not in anybody's face . . . and no one lost a single marshmallow in to the fire. I hope the MP community had an equally lovely Saturday. (I think I woke up with a @Casiusco soul this morning)
  9. Oh man you and me both. Fries and Donuts, they're my problem. My uncle worked delivering donuts before he went to work when I was a boy, he'd go at like 4:30 AM. I'd go with him sometimes and, no joke, I would eat 10-12 donuts in an hour. I could still do it easily, without problem and tbh, without remorse or any digestive issues. Not only do I love donuts, but my body seems to need and welcome them . . . like air, or water, or sleep . . . donuts are love.
  10. I used to watch Wheel of Fortune with my grandparents. We had to tune in for Pat Sajak’s last show this eve. Pretty classy farewell. Seems like a solid dude. But John told me Pat didn’t pay for his Barbie HDZ edition. So . . .
  11. 266 in the Manta Dune 2 club. Yowzaa. That’s a lotta Melange. 460 in the HDZ LoTR club back in the day, that’s a lotta Lembas Bread.
  12. . . . Combined!!!!!!!!!!! The world will rush to MP.
  13. Man, Dune Part 2 Mania has swamped MP. Hopefully some new members will stick around. Bigger than the Barbie wave.

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