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  1. Yes, I saw it on Sunday and really enjoyed this one. Some quick thoughts I had on it was I think it did a nice job of paying homage to classic sci-fi films while also telling it's own, original story. It does a brilliant job highlighting Hollywood's dangerous relationship with spectacle while being a Hollywood movie that's based on a spectacle. It's meta and I liked it. I don't think it is Peele's best script, however I think this is his best film directorial wise. He really is a writer and director to continue to watch as he consistently puts out movies that are not only entertaining but thought-provoking. My last note: for anyone who maybe isn't too keen on horror films, there were only a few moments in this that had me at the edge of my seat and I ended up laughing with relief after each of these moments. The movie doesn't let itself become a horror film essentially the moment the characters utter the word "Nope" to what is happening around them and it turns into an engaging and entertaining summer blockbuster.
  2. Your reasoning is exactly why I think it would be Shuri as well. It feels like a fitting next move for her character arc, especially after the loss of T'Challa. Personally, I think if would have been really cool if we got to see a Killmonger from another universe (this is the multiverse saga after all) where he never left Wakanda, his father wasn't killed by his uncle, and he grew up to be the Black Panther. MBJ did such a great job with that character it would be really cool to see him again, however that shot didn't seem like it could be his body type, but they could've manipulated it to throw us off
  3. I am begging the universe for a Bad Times at the El Royale steelbook
  4. This is one of my all-time favorite movies ever. This will be the 3rd time I'm buying this movie but I just pre-ordered because it's beautiful!
  5. Thank you all for the welcome!! I'm still trying to navigate how the site works but I'm a new physical media collector but have already sunk quite a bit of money into my collection in the past 2 years (since I began.) Looking forward to build my collection further and talk about it here 😁

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