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Everything posted by RileyLad

  1. Good morning and Happy New Year everyone.... VID-20211231-WA0015.mp4 And Happy Birthday @Digitale_Kunst GoldenNextAlaskankleekai-mobile.mp4
  2. Agreed mate. Needs to be something special and only pick it up if they have put some effort in. Ive had a bit of muscle ache and the shivers today, but as long as I keep popping paracetamol it's taking the edge off thanks mate 👍 I will be opening the first can of many in a minute. 🍺 Have a good one mate 🥳
  3. This is a sad day indeed @Hollywood E Rock R.I.P Wet Wednesday 😭 But it had a great run....
  4. Huge thank you to everyone at MP for the awesome hard work on all the 145 gbs this year.... Thank you @Hollywood E Rock for all your daily posts my friend.... Wishing all MP members a ...... See you on the other side 🥳
  5. Hi again @Pbsw23 Thought I'd move our conversation over here rather than block up the steelbook award thread. I've had a clear out from time to time too. Especially if there's been a premium to upgrade to. Not been picking up as many WWA steelbooks over the past 2 years. But I have to admit I've been roped back in by some of the recent 4k editions from Best buy and Germany. Sorry for a delayed reply, I had my covid booster vaccine yesterday and been feeling a bit 🤢. Did not sleep well last night and just had to go get something to eat stat!
  6. This I gotta see ..... 👀 I don't believe it.... Some beauties there @Pbsw23 mate
  7. God, I love Lenti’s No particularly reason for picking these, just the first ones I grabbed off the shelf.
  8. My first 50 steelbooks…. I dug out some of my earliest pick ups! These are the ones that got me hooked on this crazy, expensive hobby. 👍
  9. Tut, tut, tut Mr Riley... This never would have happened if I had joined MP 6 months earlier and jumped on the group buy..... This vexes me so.... Congrats @Gladiator_MV. Its a beautiful edition and another great number 👌 Now you know its out there, the hunt is on....
  10. I think in this instance, a disc swap is totally justified. The new steelbook looks very nice. I'm just hoping for a better FS. Preferably a nice lenti 😁 Just my opinion. Other opinions are available. 😂
  11. You opened it? 😨 Only joking mate....😂😨 I agree with you there. The recent Inglourious Basterds 4K release isn't the best picture possible. Sometimes it's just a money spinner like with what they did with the Arrow Robocop release (upscaled 4k steelbook release, then 18 months later a proper 4K disc re-release) I'm holding off ordering this zavvi edition too. Hoping that we get a nice Premium release from someone. #Hdzeta4kedition🤞🤞🤞
  12. I don't know if you're aware Mike but Hdzeta have already released TGM years ago with the last WWA steelbook. Limited to 300 copies and is very hard to get hold of now. If you find one it's gonna be expensive 🙁. Here's some pics from Google Best we can hope for is that Hdzeta release it again as a 4k edition, or that someone else has a go.
  13. I'm hoping that they are steelbooks, and that they come up with some better artwork from what's shown in the BS. But that may be asking a bit too much. 😂
  14. Nice haul @cgbaxia..... and I in no way, have any OCD issues with the way you have stacked them....honest! 🤣🤣
  15. Huge thank you to my Secret Santa and new friend Dr @RhodW for this awesome Hdzeta edition. I have no idea why I passed on this way back when the group buy was open and have been trying to hunt one down for a long time... So many thanks my friend, I love it 😁 20211226_125245.mp4 Hope everyone is having a great Christmas, and all the best for the New Year!
  16. It's beginning to feel like..... My Secret Santa has landed....
  17. I really like it, but I'm biased as it's one of my favourite films. Worthy of a double dip for the 4k upgrade in my opinion and happy to add it to my WOWS collection. Congrats @ShadowWarrior I'll be showing mine off when it arrives 😁
  18. If any one is struggling for elf on the shelf ideas for the kids tonight.... here you go 👽
  19. Agreed! @Basil - does it sometimes feel like your flogging a dead horse mate? 😂 😂😂😂😂

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