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Everything posted by simonsj

  1. Thanks for the pre-shipping price. I'd definitely have liked the Hobbit and Godfather trilogies, and am still mulling over the Hobbit as a companion to LOTR. But with the possibility that all editions (nine copies) land with month of each other, I'm pleased I resisted signing up to all of them.
  2. Ditto. There was an instance where my mind frazzled and I momentarily and fervently considered signing up for all three (LOTR, Hobbit & Godfather). But the prospect of being hit with having to pay for 9 releases in a short space of time thankfully brought me to my senses. LOTR nerd, so despite having the two HDZeta editions (Silver & Gold), I had little choice but to say a metaphorical adios to the Hobbit and Godfather. And maybe I won't make the cut for LOTR anyway.
  3. It's kind of what I'd expect it to be. The OC from last year was approx $186, while this one is approx $133 - that $53 difference makes it around 28% cheaper. The only problem is once you add in shipping (assuming it'll be at least the same, if not more), it reduces that down to being only 15% cheaper (for the UK, at least). Having purchased the OC (with discs) last year, I'm just not sure about doubling up. Tempted, but not sure.
  4. It's a shame it's so much more than the FNAC edition (with the title in French on the box) - around £39 extra (excluding any shipping considerations).
  5. Whereas it (the OneClick) cost half of what I imagined it might, which meant although I would have liked this, I ended up resisting in an effort to cut down spending on premiums. Needless to say, with the reasonable pricing and how good this looks, I wish I'd have crumbled and given in to temptation!
  6. Congratulations to all those newly made Platinum members - very well deserved! While this year's invitation-based process hasn't favoured many existing gold members (myself included), you really can't argue with the approach of rewarding those who contribute the most to the forum. And again, limiting the number of Platinum members, thus making it a more special tier, is definitely sensible.

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