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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by TechSpec924

  1. CHALLENGE 31 - Did That Really Happen? Thanks @cypheria078 for another great challenge! 300 - chronicles the Battle of Thermopylae, between the Greek city-state of Sparta and the Persian Empire. Deepwater Horizon - one of the worst oil spills in U.S. history occurred when the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010. Hacksaw Ridge - Conscientious Objector Desmond Doss served in WWII and earned the Congressional Medal of Honor without ever firing his weapon. Midway - the epic story of the WWII Battle of Midway. Remember the Titans - based on the real-life Virginia state football championship team from T.C. Williams High School in 1971.
  2. Challenge VILLAINS Thanks for another great challenge, Nils @extantsrevenge. Though we often hate them, root against them, and just downright wish they'd die sometimes, villains play an integral role in any movie. Without them, the protagonist of the film simply couldn't exist, for there would be no challenges to overcome and no reason to rise above themselves to be the heroes we all love. Here are five of my favorite villains, in no particular order.... 1. Darth Vader - the quintessential baddie we all grew up hating and maybe also being just a little afraid of...until we saw Empire. 2. The Meg - I love a good creature feature, and I love sharks. Doesn't matter of it's A-list or a real bomb, I love a good thriller that features my favorite marine killer. I've always considered The Meg to be Jaws 1.5...Jaws is the better movie, but The Meg brings it into the modern era. 3. Venom - Spiderman and Venom are one of my favorite hero/villain duos from when I was younger and really into collecting comics. Really enjoyed Tom Hardy in this role. 4. The Graboid - Tremors is another great creature feature that still stands the test of time. One of the best monster cult classics out there. 5. Freddy Krueger - still the only baddie that can scare me to this day! My favorite villain is a difficult toss-up between Vader and Freddy K. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and I love the epic story of Luke vs Vader. But I'm also a sucker for a good fright, and Freddy still dishes that out even after all these years.
  3. These are beautiful editions! I found out about this set too late, so I missed out. Thanks for sharing!
  4. And I better not get penalized and have forfeited my Gold Star because the only damn 'E' I used in my entire post was to tag you, @InfiniteDoors! 🤣🤣
  5. HARDSHIP #29 Thank you for a fabulous original trial @InfiniteDoors. My aim was to do films I not submit in any prior task. My submissions which omit your taboo point stand as follows: Annihilation Dracula Untold Hangman Kin Last Night in Soho Liar Liar Mars Attacks Piranha 3DD Room Twins
  6. CHALLENGE 27 - Revenge and Vigilantes Galore Batman - quintessential tale of revenge and vigilantism. Batman has always been a blurry line for me, since he starts out seeking revenge for the death of his parents, but later turns into a state-sanctioned vigilante. The Equalizer Man On Fire - not only one of the best vigilante and revenge films, but also one of my most favorite films ever. The Mask of Zorro - this particular version also begins as a thirst for revenge for the death of a brother, which again transforms into the Vigilante crusading against a corrupt Mexican police state. Taken - some of the best of Liam Neeson, as he seeks revenge and retribution for the kidnapping of his young daughter. My favorite Vigilante is definitely John Creasy from Man on Fire. Cold, calculating, and methodical, Creasy is exactly who I'd want exacting revenge and retribution for any wrongs committed against me. He's such a badass. I don’t believe a better actor could have been chosen for that role than Denzel Washington. Same goes for his portrayal of Mr. McCall in The Equalizer.
  7. CHALLENGE 28 - BEST OF THE WORST So I didn't think I'd be able to participate in this one, but after scrolling through the list I was surprised to see how many of these "terrible" films I actually owned. I'm not sure what that says about me or my taste in movies, but that's a discussion for another day. I stuck to Worst Pictures.... 1990 - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier As a hardcore Trekkie, I'm loathe to agree with this, but this film was just God-awful. By far the worst of the entire film line, not just of the original series. But...it's Star Trek, so I can't not own it. 1996 - Showgirls I grew up watching Saved By the Bell every Saturday morning, and that routine was a highlight of my childhood. But it's happened time and time again: many child stars want to shed their goody-goody childhood roles and do something more adult to show their range. So you know I jumped at the chance to see prim-and-proper Jessie Spano (Elizabth Berkley) bare it all. The fact that I was also a 16-year-old, red-blooded male may also have contributed to this purchase. And, YES, I have already pre-ordered the upcoming Vinegar Syndrome release. 2010 ‐ Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Not sure what was so terrible about this one. I mean, it's not the first film, and all the sequels really dropped off after #1. Guess that's enough lol. 2011 ‐ The Last Airbender Don't remember much about this film, which probably proves the point. Also probably my least favorite M. Night film ever. 2013 - Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 2 Title says it all. And, you know...Kristen Stewart, who has just got to be one of the worst actresses ever. Who also won the Razzie for Worst Actress for this film in the same year. Has she ever done anything good? The most unfair pick for Worst Film is probably Rambo II. While not his greatest film by a longshot, it's definitely not his worst. I actually disagree more with a ton of the nominees over the years, as I've seen many of them. Which probably says even more about my film tastes! 🤣
  8. Wait a minute...I thought this entire callenge was focused around the worst of the losers.... Now you're telling me they're winners...lol
  9. Thanks for another very interesting challenge, @hal56! Definitely a fun one, for sure. Just wanted some clarification that you're looking for winners, right, and no just nominees?
  10. Some very nice comics you have there, my friend! I remember a few of those from my comic collecting days. I did have a copy of NM #87, since Cable was one of my favorite Marvel characters. Sadly, my collection is long gone. My only wish...that your copy of Amazing Fantasy was the real deal lol.
  11. I didn't know if you'd explode if I submitted a film NOT in the top 4 Oscar categories lmao. Just think of it as one more item to add to your already impressive resume! We still love you lol.
  12. Despite @Gary K delicate sensibilities (lol), a film that won an Oscar in ANY category will count. Many of us were just trying to keep it to the Big Four. I'm not a fan of the Oscars either. I had to Google a list of award-winners. You might be surprised to find a few films in your collection that won awards for stuff like Sound Editing lol.
  13. Not a steelbook, unfortunately. This is a Walmart exclusive DVD release from 2017. They released a bunch of movies with these artsy, Mondo-esque covers. The artwork is just an art card that slides into the front cover plastic. Sort of an alternate cover set thing. I have one for Jennifer's Body as well. This would be some absolutely SICK steelbook art, though!
  14. CHALLENGE 24! And the Oscar Goes To.... 1. Godfather Part I (Best Picture) 2. Godfather Part II (Best Picture) 3. Black Swan (Best Actress) 4. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Best Picture) 5. E.T. (I know this one didn't win in any of the Big Four categories, but it DID take home four Oscars in almost every Sound category. Plus, it's a cool edition and sure to be different than anybody else would post. Sorry @Gary K lol.) The film that definitely should have won for its year was Avatar. One of the highest-grossing films of all-time and just about single-handedly responsible for the rise and popularity of everything 3D. It was nominated for Best Picture among many others, but sadly didn't win.
  15. @swish @Gary K Thank you both for the info! I will submit an Updated Request once the correct MPCs have been added to the GB form. I ordered both the lenti and FS, so I need the 2.6 that isn't listed yet.
  16. Damn...if that's the case, I need to update my order. I ordered two of the smaller MPCs. I've never requested them before this GB, so I was going purely from the examples listed in the MPC info section. @extantsrevenge if i need to update my MPC request, please let me know and I will get you what you need. Thank you!
  17. I almost ended up posting the same question, but I finally realized that the BS for the OC show all four editions. I was trying to scrutinize the shot of the inside of the OC and it appeared to only be big enough for TWO editions, so I was curious which two were supposed to be included. After about 10mins of straining my eyes and zooming in on my mobile, the light finally went off lmao.
  18. With the expected shortages for A2 FS, I'm glad with my choice to go with A1. I'm probably in the minority here, but I really like the A1 artwork. A2 is nice, but that artwork looks too similar to existing artwork on other editions. I wanted something unique for this edition. I also grabbed the Lenti.
  19. Looking back through my PayPal history of past purchases, I don't have a play-by-play breakdown for you. The item price is usually already quoted with the added fees. But I do know that the GB fees are usually only a couple of bucks, plus a PayPal fee of maybe 2-3%. So you figure 3% of 52.99, plus $3 GB fee. That's actually less than $5, but then you add shipping. And that varies based on your address. I admit I have no idea what international shipping costs are directly from Korea, but I have ordered from Nova Media in the past and some of their costs for K-packs can get pretry high. More than I would think by going through a GB. Plus, l'm sure MP probably gets some great bulk shipping rates due to their great longstanding relationships with these retailers. If you want more exact details for a price breakdown, you can always PM the GB admins.
  20. I don't think the fees have ever been outrageous. A couple of bucks? $5? And those dollars go right back into MP, which is always better for us in the long run. I would think you'd pay more in international shipping fees that that, but to each their own.
  21. At the risk of losing my Sci-Fi membership card and starting WW3, I must admit...that I have never seen this film.
  22. I still remember vividly signing up for my first GB...a mere three years ago. It can be a little overwhelming because there's a lot of information to take in. Just take your time, be sure to read and understand all the rules, and then request your edition. As long as you pay your deposits and never back out of a GB request, you're golden. Welcome to the big leagues! Expect it to be a wild ride lol.
  23. NEVER introduce somebody to Star Wars for the first time with the prequels! Always begin with 4,5,6 lol. Although I don't blame her for her reactions, she's sorely missing out.

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