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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by TechSpec924

  1. I actually didn't know there was a limit to reactions until I ran out a few weeks ago 🤣
  2. I don't know if I'm relieved, or maybe a little sad, that many of us are frightened (or used to be) of the same movie monster.
  3. I have this set as well @Pbsw23. It's a complete 4K boxset of all the Underworld films. I got mine off Amazon. I don't believe it's an exclusive. All 5 films come with slips as well.
  4. CHALLENGE #7 - Creepin' It Real Another excellent contest we have here! I have always been a fan of horror, going all the way back to my junior high and high school years. Every year for Halloween while we dated, I had a girlfriend who would always go with me to hit up every video rental store in town. We'd rent every horror film we could find - current releases, as well as the cornier B- and C-grade horror. We'd go back to her house, turn off all the lights, and curl up under a blanket on the couch and watch moview all night. Now I dont scare easily or really get creeped out by too much, but the first and almost only movie(s) to ever do the job was anything in the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Ghouls, ghosts, and goblins I can handle, but there's just something about a murderous madman who can kill you in your dreams while you sleep.... When we are at our most vulnerable, and when we are doing something our bodies and minds require to survive. You just can't get away from that and for that reason, Freddy has always scared just about everything out of me. Psychological horror and terror more than anything else.... So, here are my submissions for Challenge #7: 1. Wrong Turn 2. Resident Evil 4K Collection boxset 3. Let Me In 4. Annabelle 5. A Nightmare on Elm Street(!!)
  5. CHALLENGE #6 Another fun challenge, as I get to showcase some of my favorite non-premium editions. Nice to be able to show something different for this one! Starting things off, my username is a variation of my current professional title. I work in I.T., so TechSpec simply stands for (Information) Technology Specialist. I use several different variations of this username for other sites. T - Taken (Nova lenti slip) E - Equalizer (Best Buy steel) C - Childs Play (Best Buy steel) H - The Hills Have Eyes (Arrow) S - Solo 3D (Finland steel) P - Predator Triple Feature (Best Buy steel) E - The Equalizer 2 (Best Buy steel) C ‐ Caligula: The Untold Story (part of the Severin Films Veni Vidi Depraviti boxset) Nine - The Nun Two - Twilight: The Complete Saga (Target exclusive Steelbook) Four - Fast & Furious Ultimate Ride Collection
  6. Very nice, @JojoFrance76...oh, and I hate you so much! 😜🤪 I've been trying to get my hands on just ONE of these, while not also having to harvest any body parts. I was in on the Everythingblu restock for The Book of Life, but those didn't last 5 seconds. By the time the page loaded for me at the appointed time, all editions were already gone. Mad respect.
  7. This challenge #5 has been my favorite so far. It was nice and even a little fun to take a stroll down memory lane. Thanks also @raylightfor this idea!
  8. So...I first want to preface my submission for Challenge #5 by saying that at the halfway point of this challenge series, I think I have posted all or almost all of the Premiums I own. Depending on what the rest of the challenges are, yall might be a little fed up with my submissions by now. I've only been a member of MP for two years, and I'm also rather particular about what editions I purchase. So...please bear with me, and if I'm not allowed any longer to repost what I have for future challenges, please let me know. There will be no hard feelings! This has been great fun so far. My journey towards collecting premiums, and steelbooks in general, began purely by accident in 2018. I was shopping at Walmart one day, and as I was strolling along the main drag in front of the Movies section, I noticed a display case for some Star Wars movies. As an avid Star Wars lover, of course I noticed. I had no idea these were steelbooks until I picked one up to look at it. I loved the sturdiness of the metal case, and the artwork just absolutely blew me away! I had no idea such media existed until that moment. Unfortunately, there were only a couple of the six films left so I didn't buy any at that time because I wanted all six. But I never forgot about those steelbooks.... I eventually tracked them all down on Amazon a few months later and from that moment on, I was hooked on steels. If there was a steel available for a movie I wanted, that's what I bought. Now at this time, I still had no idea about premiums or the international market. The majority of my collection has been purchased from Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc (I'm in the U.S.). Over the next couple of years I continued to grow my collection, purchasing mostly from Best Buy. I was hooked; I had the bug. Then in early 2019, I heard about a steelbook release for The Goonies, one of my all-time favorite childhood movies. Best Buy had the exclusive NA release for BluRay and eventually 4K, both of which I picked up. I also discovered Zavvi as an international steelbook distributor around this time, as they were beginning their run of Star Wars releases. Zavvi was my first step into the international steelbook market, though I'm not sure if they qualify as "premium" releases. However, it was clearly evident how superior international steelbook editions were over anything in the US. Fast-forward to 2020 and I hear about an international release for Goonies, this one from someplace called CineMuseum. But I had no idea how to get it, just that I wanted it badly! Up to this point, the CM editions of Goonies were juat about the most beautiful editions I'd ever seen for any movie. A deepdive into Google eventually landed me at MP and their GB (what the hell is that?!) for Goonies. I joined MP on May 10, 2020, and I signed up for my very first GB pretty much blind.... #1. Goonies - CM fullslip When I received this edition in hand, I was absolutely stunned with how beautiful it was! I was in awe that steelbooks could come with fullslips, embossing, and little extras that made the release extra special and "rare." This was the first edition I ever ordered with MP, but not the first I received. We all know how long this one took.... But every other edition I purchased through MP or because of MP before receiving Goonies just reinforced the genuine "premium-ness" of what a premium truly is. #2 Insidious - NovaMedia Lenticular Slip Being a member of MP exposed me to the rest of the international market of premiums, and I was excited to see what else was out there. Eventually discovered Nova Media, and stumbled upon one of their end-of-year winter sales. I snagged this beauty for half off. This was also my first lenticular edition purchase, which introduced me to my second-favorite edition behind Fullslips. And speaking of fullslips... #3 & #4 Spiderman Trilogy ‐ WeET Fullslips Always heard a ton of chatter around MP about a company called WeET and how stunning were their fullslips. After receiving my first WeET slips, I wholeheartedly agreed. Of all the retailers I've ordered from, WeET is my favorite by far for slips. #5. Venom - Blufans Double Lenticular Everybody around MP knows how difficult it can be to get their hands on a Blufans edition. I have this courtesy of an end-of-year sale by John @Masterblaster. Which makes me even more dedicated to getting myself into a higher tier so I can get in on these Blufans GBs. So that's pretty much my whole journey in a nutshell lol. I love being a part of MP and everything they do for their members. Hopeful for many more good years and many more beautiful editions in the future! My goal in the coming years is to add a few new retailers to my collection so I have more variety in challenges like these.🤣🤣
  9. From one Star Wars to another, you have an absolutely gorgeous collection @raylight. Yours, however, is LOADS more impressive than mine! Makes me wish I had gotten involved in the Premium game much, much sooner. Probably be tough to track down all these editions now without signing my life away lol.
  10. Some stunning editions @Scary Hair. Love that Firefly and Interstellar. Beautiful!
  11. I saw an opportunity to be extra creative and fun with Callenge #4! 1. Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - because we all know that evil Galactic space station was no moon. 2. How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy (Zavvi steelbook collection) - if you wanna travel in style, use a dragon. 3. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure - I mean, who doesn't love a time-traveling phone booth? 4. Moonfall - it was really a giant alien spaceship (and absolutely NOT the same as the Death Star!). 5. The Neverending Story - giant space dogs! But just in case the Death Star and the Moonship are considered too similar, I offer up an alternate.... Thor - magical "flying" hammer? He literally flew with this thing.
  12. Aladdin was a very creative entry @Ryan.miller.429! IMHO, this should count purely for creativity points.
  13. Yes, it is @Grendel. I was actually thinking about mentioning that earlier, but thought to myself you'd surely remember that lol. Glad you remembered the secret door.
  14. As far as I knew, I thought it was included as an MP-exclusive extra with each UHD Club purchase of this edition. This was the secret "extra" @ksosk created for this release. I figured everybody received it if they purchased this edition. No separate purchase necessary. I got in on this GB at the last minute, and I thought this was the only edition offered. I could be wrong about that, but I do remember a mention of something "extra" that was being created just for this edition.
  15. So I don't usually splurge on many "extras" editions, but I do have a few that I guess fit the bill. #1 - Jaws (UHD Club) Yes, I know this is a repeat, but I just can't ignore the fantastic job @ksosk did with the commemorative shark medallion. One piece I'm glad to own in the Extras category. #2 - Batman (Titans of Cult). Batman was the first comic character I grew up with, and my first Halloween costume as a child. Anything that commemorates that DC icon I always remember with nostalgia. This edition included a Joker card with bullet hole and a limited edition Batwing pin. #3 - Terminator 1-3 (MAG) This ginormous edition celebrates the world's most recognizable cyborg, and included a 3D lenticular light-up wall picture frame / poster.
  16. Yall really making challenge #2 difficult for a semi-newcomer lol. I really had to scrape through my collection so as not to double-dip on retailers for this challenge. I'm not as diversified as some of you (yet). So, while there are definitely some of my all-time favorites on this list, maybe one or two are "favorites" within the confines of the rules 😁 So, in no particular order, my top 5 are: The Rock (Blufans giftset) One of my most favorite Sean Connery films, and the sole reason I wanted to visit San Francisco as a kid. This film gives the Alcatraz tour new meaning. As I'm still searching for the steelbook, this is the best edition I own (thanks to John's End of the Year sale last year). Jaws (UHD Club) Recently acquired and my all-time favorite shark creature feature. This edition is one of my most premium-feeling editions, and everything about it is a glowing tribute to my favorite shark. Goonies (Cinemuseum Fullslip) This film will always be a childhood favorite, as I watched it at least once every weekend for years growing up. This specific edition is also the edition that got me to join MP. The significance of its inclusion here is a given. Spider-Man 3 (WeeT Collection) The Raimi Spiderman trilogy is my favorite, and the best of the Spidey movies IMHO. Of the three fullslips, the third is the best for me. I love the contrast of the embossing and the Black Spidey suit on the cover. Just does it for me. Taken (Novamedia) What can I say, except I'm a sucker for Liam Neeson. This is one of his better films, and this edition has a nice depth lenticular that I also appreciate. 20220919_161646.mp4
  17. Ive only been in the Premium space for a few years so I know I've missed some of the hotter, big-name items. And I don't own many lentis, as most of the time I opt for the fullslips. Of the few I own, my favorite is the Novamedia lenti of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. 20220914_083111.mp4 This is a non-transition lenti, which is what I like. The depth effect makes the artwork jump out at me and simultaneously pulls me in, making me feel like part of the action. The Blufans Venom is always a stunner for me every time I see it. 20220914_083506.mp4 And the WeeT Monster Hunter lenti rounds out the group. 20220914_083222.mp4
  18. I still can't figure out why I didn't opt for the OC.... The more pictures of it I see posted, the stupider I feel lol 🙄
  19. I know there a lot of people out there with a lot of opinions about this particular edition. My goal is not to further incense those opinions, but rather to express my gratitude for what I'm sure was a TON of hard work on this release. I was late to this GB (I didn't get in until the second reopening about a month ago), and I'm a late-comer to UHD Club releases in general. Jaws is my first UHD Club edition, and thus far, my favorite of the editions I own. I don't have either of the editions from HDZeta or Film Arena, so I can't comment on those. But this edition from UHD Club feels like a true premium; I'm personally a fan of the magnetic, wrap-around box, and I love the artwork of the box as well as the digipack holding the discs. And that coin...that coin is truly a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Thank you @ksosk for all your hard work with that design! Holding that coin aloft evokes memories of the medallion from Goonies lol. Jaws is hands-down my favorite shark creature feature so this was pretty much an instant-buy for me just for the movie alone. I've never owned a UHD Club release so I went in totally blind about what to expect. So when it arrived today and I unwrapped it, I was truly stunned. Such a beautiful edition that will proudly and prominently occupy a space on my shelf. So...I just want to say thank you for all the hard work that went into this release, and another heartfelt thank you to everybody here at MP and UHD Club who made it happen. You all continue to make me proud to be a member of this fine community.
  20. I think all the current orders being received are direct orders. I also ordered direct from CM, and my Full Slip is supposed to be here on Wednesday. I was late to this party, so missed the GB. Their direct orders must be going out before shipping to MP.
  21. I don't think I remember seeing any posts about the boxsets. Just mostly people getting notified about their Full Slips. Maybe the OCs are next...?
  22. Same here! Had to go look back at my CM order history to see I ordered way back in February 2021. And, of course, I keep tabs here on MP so when others started getting their shipping notices, I knew it was just a matter of time. Will be glad to finally have this edition in hand. I know it's not a steelbook, but this one will still look awesome on my shelf.
  23. FINALLY got my shipping notification from CM for my Fullslip!
  24. Invoice paid! Happy to add this one to my collection, but I haven't played the game either.

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