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Everything posted by Fortis93

  1. Mate, that's perfectly understandable. While I love going to the cinema, I'm the same way.
  2. Can't you say the same word in German?
  3. You guys don't have "Unhinged" with Russell Crowe showing?
  4. Now that I think about it, calling someone a 'muppet' is probably an insult to the Muppets themselves.
  5. Yep, I've also seen this in places like bars and restaurants. We recently had a few muppets from an adjacent state that declared a State of Emergency managing to get across its closed down borders into our state, so we've been seeing a few clusters of COVID-19 here.
  6. Agreed. It's also not just about me, but perhaps more so those around me who I care about, some of whom tick the boxes for being more susceptible or vulnerable in succumbing to the complications of this thing.
  7. What's funny is that a lot of promotional material shows...
  8. The earliest preview screenings of "Tenet" here will be held on the 22nd before the official release on the 27th. I think I mentioned this before, but even though this is my most anticipated movie for this year, I'm probably going to wait a week or two after the official release to see how things play out with regards to the efficacy of the safety measures that will be put in place for theatres.
  9. Fairy cakes and a pint of Guinness doesn't sound too bad of way to unwind after a long, hard day. 😄
  10. Haha, I know. Nothing to apologize for. I was just taking the Mick.
  11. Well, sweet and pleasant dreams to you, sir/madam. 😄
  12. It's a programming/software project for uni.
  13. Yep. It's currently 5:20 am. Woke up earlier as I have some work I need to finish off.
  14. "Would you like a 1/4 slip or full slip?"
  15. That right there is a premium ass whooping that would make Filmarena and HDZeta blush.
  16. So many to choose from. I can't get it under 2 for Q1, nor under 4 for Q2.

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