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Everything posted by Fortis93

  1. I mean, I grew up with you know who, so he's always been my Superman. I also grew up with Tom Welling with Smallville, so he's right behind. With that said, I really liked what they were going for with Man of Steel (and BvS) and the approach Henry Cavill took with the character. It's just that I think he didn't get as much of a chance to shine and flourish as the other two, which I'm hoping WB will sort out one day because the guy's clearly a talented actor and I think there's a lot of potential and great stories to tell with his incarnation of the Man of Steel.
  2. I may be out of the loop here, but anyone else like to see Henry Cavill get another shot at playing Clark Kent/Superman?
  3. I'm really looking forward to WW84, The Batman, The Suicide Squad and Aquaman 2.
  4. Keep in mind I wasn't born when either Total Recall or T2 came out, so I'm going purely off the anecdotal experiences of others who were around to witness these things.
  5. @Hollywood E Rock Agreed. I think that Warner Bros. should be putting more trust into his directors/writers/storytellers and taking greater care into setting up its characters, stories and arcs and slowly build that up to creating a greater universe. You look at what Nolan managed to create under WB with The Dark Knight trilogy and how much of a focused, singular vision that was that never really compromised quality or rushed into setting up a greater universe at the expense of its own characters/stories. It took Marvel over ten years to establish its own universe and I think it really paid off for them. I think now, with films like Aquaman, Wonder Woman, as well as the Snyder Cut of Justice League on the way, hopefully WB can get back to putting more trust in its directors and writers and taking its time to tell quality stories that really engage and resonate with audiences rather than trying to compete with other cinematic universes.
  6. We need more teasers/trailers like this: Imagine going to see something like Total Recall back in 1990 with no idea a sequel to The Terminator was on the horizon. Then the lights go down in the theatre, and you see that...
  7. Good man (even though I still really like the MCU).
  8. Tenet came out here yesterday. I've pretty much gone into caveman mode when it comes to friends talking about it as well as the reviews posted online.
  9. People trying to get you to drink at parties/events/get togethers. Me:
  10. Same here. A pizza with lemon, lime and bitters any day.
  11. Only those with Platinum Memberships can watch / participate.
  12. That's a Sexy Saturday gif right there.
  13. Helps with the 1-click purchases, I imagine.
  14. I've seen The Exorcist III, which I really enjoyed and think is quite an underrated psychological thriller. I do have Legion by William Peter Blatty that I'm planning on getting to after I finish working my way through my current pile of books. I'm really looking forward to it. William Peter Blatty was an excellent writer.
  15. Not just my favourite horror film, but one of my favourite films (and books) of all time. This is one of those movies that's firing on all cylinders from the moment it starts 'til the moment it ends. A perfect film for me.
  16. Just imagine it. Zack Snyder's Justice League with that artwork in an epic 1-click box set.
  17. 1. @Grendel should know what this one is by now. 2. "The Thing" (1982) 3. "Misery" (1990)

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