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Posts posted by Fortis93

  1. 43 minutes ago, Blu Magic Ray said:



    I just had the calculator in my hand and wanted to know what would happen to me in 2024. The pace of releases is really fast at the moment, well, we now have to catch up with the fourth phase at Marvel and we are already there in the fifth phase. Because you shoot out so much in too little time. I'm happy about it, but it's pushing me to the financial limits I had set for myself. 


    It all started with two single editions and now I've ended up with One Click... 




    ... and then WeET is around the corner with DC titles... :Amazed:




    Everything is still in order, but it could all end badly very quickly... 






    Wenn FAC beschließt, eine Maniacs Box für True Lies, The Abyss und Aliens herauszubringen...



    • Haha 13
  2. 1 hour ago, Basil said:


    Ok honest question not sure if you serious or pulling my leg?


    But hal would you pay your money for it that's simple enough 👍


    I thought you British were good at detecting sarcasm? 😁

    • Haha 11
  3. 1 hour ago, Catgirl said:

    Why is that, it should be finished? 🤔


    Die Teile 1 und 2 wurden während der Pandemie gleichzeitig gedreht.


    Die Dreharbeiten zu Teil 2 mussten unterbrochen werden, damit Teil 1 fertiggestellt werden konnte.


    Aufgrund der Verzögerungen wird die Fertigstellung von Teil 2 länger dauern als erwartet.

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 2
  4. 22 minutes ago, Gentleman said:


    Real? Is it any good? Then he'll be back on the list... 😂


    I think it's a solid movie. 


    It has Shyamalan's trademark style from quirky characters to the twist ending, which aren't to everyone's taste.


    The premise itself is interesting and the film holds your attention throughout its runtime.


    Which I think speaks to Shyamalan's craftsmanship as a director when it comes to pacing and maintaining suspense/tension.


    There aren't many films in the thriller or horror genre today that can achieve this.


    • Like 8
    • Thanks 2
  5. 1 hour ago, extantsrevenge said:



    Coming Soon, the new Terminator


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    Squirrel Schwarzenegger Terminator


    Already training wildly


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    Arnold Schwarzenegger as Squirrel



     I'm a big fan of Predator.




    • Haha 16
  6. 4 minutes ago, Cornbuster said:


    ... and damn low-quality streams that aren't even downloadable for your own use.

    They should then at least make disc streams available for download purchase. We've talked about it several times before.


    Ich habe keine Erfahrung in der Wirtschaft.


    Aber von dem, was ich beobachtet habe, denke ich, dass diese Studios von jungen und/oder kurzsichtigen Führungskräften geleitet werden.


    Die Entscheidungen, die sie treffen, verblüffen mich.


    • Like 8
  7. 8 minutes ago, raylight said:

    Which brings us back to the quality of processing and shipping that I mentioned. It's just not fun anymore.


    Many studios no longer prioritise physical home media.


    That's why they cut a lot of corners from design to production.


    It becomes fast food for collectors of physical media; the cheapest ingredients sloppily assembled for an increased price.


    • Like 10
  8. 1 hour ago, Basil said:

    Pretty agree with most of that

    Personally with the job situation I'm not saying yes or no

    For me I decide near the time, its not till end of January 

    And as you say this year the platinum gbs went down alot

    And where tier has not been invoked much at all this year

    I think most people got what they needed anyway without the need for tier really.

    Also world is going into recession so demand is not as bad either alot of people's excess money has been drained with other bills like food gas electricity petrol.

    I don't not want to support mp it's just my costs are thru the roof but I honestly think I may need to save alot of any money I have until I have a new job and it's basic as that for me!

    Plus the other side it's alot and people have to look at there own costs situations and decide if is affordable to them.

    Of course we don't all have holgers OC funds 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    And he can't even get a title with a Platinum membership 🤣🤣🤣


    Basil 👍


    You're echoing my sentiments exactly.


    I haven't joined many GBs this year compared to previous years.


    And now with everything slowing moving towards being discless, it's becoming less appealing for me personally.

    • Like 13

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