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Posts posted by Fortis93

  1. 9 minutes ago, Zinco97 said:

    Generally lucky, even the normal 4K from Oppenheimer sold out on Amazon. 
    I've never seen anything like that before.
    D Think GIF by SWR Kindernetz



    Jeder, der sagt, dass physische Medien tot sind, belügt sich selbst oder lebt auf einem anderen Planeten.

    • Like 11
    • Thanks 3
  2. 13 hours ago, hal56 said:

    And theres one other thing that bothers me with modern blockbuster cinema: its their bluntness, their banality, their broad strokes in storytelling compared to the best movies and classics out there.


    My main issue is that too many directors/writers want to be the star of the show.


    Rather than letting the story and film itself shine.


    A filmmaker should be like a great magician or puppeteer.


    If you can start to see the trick or the strings being pulled, you've broken the illusion and lost the audience.


    You're more concerned with what the filmmaker is doing than the film itself.


    • Like 13
  3. 26 minutes ago, hal56 said:

    I liked Dont worry Darling and don't think a film should or has to always pick you up and leave you with all the answers.

    The best films often negate logic, let you 

    with more questions or any answers are the origin of further interpretations.

    These films then function in their inherent logic, which you as a viewer have to get involved with. 


    Just like Barbie? 😁

    • Haha 6
  4. 22 minutes ago, Catgirl said:


    I felt the same way, but in times of customs and co, I'm waiting for a German release


    Die Vorstellung, dass blaue Außerirdische Deutsch sprechen, finde ich sehr lustig und liebenswert. 😅

    • Haha 10
  5. 24 minutes ago, Casiusco said:

    The worst thing is that you are right.


    Still, I'm a dreamer, and I hope someone sees a possible business there. I don't care about the country or the retailer.


    The better it is, though, the better for me.


    I'm a dreamer, too.


    I put more trust in collector's such as yourself in coming up with a better edition that most retailers/studios are putting out nowadays.  

    • Like 7
  6. 2 minutes ago, Veum said:

    Yeah Elias I’ve talked to Dan and he is a genuine super nice guy and I’ve put all my trust in him and 🙏 his company endeavors are spectacular❣️


    Nice Guy Reaction GIF by Married At First Sight


    He's a top bloke.


    Genuinely cares and takes pride in his work.


    Very happy to see his label take off the way it has done.

    • Like 9
  7. 10 minutes ago, Casiusco said:

    By the way... 


    Who is up for releasing a Collector's Edition of Cameron's upcoming 4K releases?





    It's most likely going to be a custom retailer like Astro Creations. 


    Because unless Disney gives the rights over to some retailer or label like Arrow, there's no chance.


    It's frustrating to watch.


    It's like what Ben Affleck says to Matt Damon in "Good Will Hunting":


    "You're sitting on a winning lottery ticket. You're just too much of a pu**y to cash it in."


    This is Disney in a nutshell with their catalogue.


    • Like 10
  8. 3 minutes ago, raylight said:

    Zavvi just have to keep their better packages. They've been Non-EU since I know them. Brexit has (imo) nothing to do with shipping from Zavvi. They sent from Journsey before which was also not EU. On top, they could also charge higher shipping costs for EU customers to guarantee better packaging. And I think 99% of all EU customers would have paid them.

    What a mess. Next shop which has died for me...


    I would pay extra if safer and more protective shipping was guaranteed.


    However, like you, ordering from Zavvi via GB or friends is no longer appealing.


    I would rather buy these editions on eBay from Australian sellers.


    The prices are only slightly higher, but the items are in good condition and shipping is fast.

    • Like 14
  9. 2 minutes ago, raylight said:

    Yes, in the end, what counts legally is the terms and conditions and not any help text on a support page. They also write that they can delete the content and functions of the shop at any time and that as soon as you use the site, you automatically accept these changes.


    I'm just looking for that little straw to hold on to for a while longer.

    Now that I know about the terms and conditions, my expectations are as follows:

    1. If I refer to the terms and conditions, I will not receive a cent of customs fees back.

    2. I can of course return the item if I want, but what do I get out of it?

    3. There will be no refund.

    4. Zavvi has died for me and after this transaction has been "settled" I will delete my account from Zavvi. Never an order there again.


    Last night I spent another 500 EUR somewhere else out of frustration. 😵


    Ich denke, es war ein Segen für Zavvi, den internationalen Versand einzustellen.

    • Like 8
  10. 2 minutes ago, Cornbuster said:


    Unfortunately, it's common - even in the premium label sector.

    See HDZETA Gold.


    Ich weiß, Kumpel.


    Man sieht es heute überall.


    Von Rechnungen bis zu Lebensmitteln usw.

    • Like 9
  11. 20 minutes ago, Cornbuster said:


    Considering the special padding (paper mesh blanket), this is the same club that packs the things up as with Rambo and Element.

    Only savings have now been made = less paper blanket and cardboard material.


    Wir zahlen mehr für weniger.


    Diese Unternehmen sind gut darin, Ausreden für ihre beschissenen Dienstleistungen zu finden.


    Alle inflationsbedingten Mehrkosten werden auf den Kunden abgewälzt.


    Das Unternehmen profitiert, aber der Kunde verliert.

    • Like 12
  12. 1 hour ago, extantsrevenge said:

    So all the broken Leon are really incredible 🤬 . Mine are finally in the customs clearance process. I have little hope of getting intact copies. Maybe they're packaged a little better since they're all editions. I'm really angry at zavvi and their stupidity. Let's see what I get next week.


    In any case, zavvi is already dead for me, I just don't feel like that kind of crap.


    I think it was a mistake for EverythingBlu to partner with Zavvi for this reason.

    • Like 13
  13. 10 hours ago, Blu Magic Ray said:


    On the other hand, the shot can also go backwards... if no one buys that crap anymore, the studios will think, no one wants that, so we won't produce anything anymore.


    Sometimes I feel like they do it on purpose :GROUNDS:


    Ich halte dies für wahrscheinlicher.


    Disney ist dabei, reguläre 4Ks von True Lies, The Abyss und Aliens zu veröffentlichen.


    Keine Steelbooks oder Sondereditionen für diese Klassiker.


    Wenn die Sammler diese Titel nicht schon seit vielen Jahren nachfragen würden, Disney hätte nichts getan.


    • Like 13
  14. 19 minutes ago, Cornbuster said:

    Was now also in the mail...

    I had pork, intact all around.

    Just have to claim back customs.






    Ich bin sicher, dass sie bei der Lieferung an den Vatikan vorsichtig waren. 😄

    • Haha 14
  15. 1 hour ago, raylight said:


    Okay, that sounds clear. So just as “great” as Zavvi.

    I just picked up my "Leon" from the post office. Those who haven't received it yet can probably expect something like mine. 🥴


    1. Foil sleeve over cardboard mailing bag. Edition just wrapped in some “cardboard shredder paper”. that was it.

    2 inches. Goods are shown at retail price. I'll open a ticket with Zavvi right away.

    3. When I looked at the cardboard bag it was clear: the edition couldn't have survived unscathed.


    • A corner marked.
    • The slipcase on the “spine side” was pressed in almost halfway, creating a new “squeeze-fold edge” that can no longer be removed.
    • The same applies to the folder for the specials, but here it's only about 1/3 dented.
    • Steelbook at least in one piece.
    • In general: Briefs look pretty, but are much too thin. Totally the wobbly part. No wonder that pinch edges formed so quickly and for such a long time

    All in all, it's obviously annoying and I don't expect Zavvi to send me another copy as a replacement. Let's see what support says.

    In the end it almost “didn’t matter” because this was my last order from Zavvi. Never again ! 😡
















    Ich denke, es war ein großer Fehler von EverythingBlu, eine Partnerschaft mit Zavvi einzugehen.


    Vor dieser Fusion waren die Ausgaben von Psycho und Shaun of the Dead meiner Erinnerung nach sehr gut verpackt.

    • Like 2
  16. 2 hours ago, hal56 said:

    We are in 2023, all movies look well made now. However, many of them are still shite.


    These movies cost anywhere between $150 to $300 million.


    They better bloody look good. 😅


    Unfortunately, all the budget in the world won't buy you a great story with great characters.

    • Like 9
  17. 1 hour ago, hal56 said:

    妖星乱舞 — “By the way, the same procedure as last year, Miss...


    Burning-trash GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY





    48 minutes ago, swish said:

    They deserves WEA Steels 


    40 minutes ago, Cornbuster said:




    28 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:






    Wenn die Sammler aufhören, diesen Mist zu kaufen, werden die Studios und Einzelhändler vielleicht wieder anfangen, Qualitätsprodukte herauszubringen.

    • Like 12

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