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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by ajames212

  1. Got a couple things in the last week. First. Spiderman Homecoming Filmarena maniac boxset. Second. I think my favorite edition so far to date. The Shining Cinemuseum.
  2. So basically they can be anywhere???.
  3. Liking that Robocop blufans though. Good pick up. 👏
  4. Thank you Media Psychos. Never would of got any of these without making a mortgage payment anywhere else.. But you all know this. 👍
  5. Uhd club. Backwards and beautiful. 👍. Awesome. That would go great with a wonder women uhdclub. Great pick up.
  6. Awesome. All of them but most definitely Total Recall. Imo. Is any other retailer doing a premium edition of that?
  7. Here's the "big sale" haul!!! Once again thanks to everyone that was involved 👍Love this place❤ Filmarena Split Blufans Civil War. (Ironman) Everythingblu Spartacus Filmarena X men days of future past Hdzeta Batman v Superman 2020
  8. I think im a platinum member Now. Wait has there been a mistake. Was I allowed to do this. Woaaahhh.

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