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Everything posted by Trianna

  1. Seh ich auch so. Find's nichtmal richtig pixelig aber mit der Stadt und der Farbgebung wirkt das alles etwas zu viel bzw. hebt sich mMn nichts richtig ab farblich.
  2. Good morning english speaking folks! Happy fit Friday!
  3. Moin zusammen, endlich Freitag
  4. Mein Beileid Lindy @Catgirl hoffe auch, dass du deine OP gut überstehst und schnell bei deiner Schwester sein kannst 😥
  5. Though I watch NGE in japanese with subs I would like to have a nice CE with the old german dub not the atrocious Netflix dub. But I don't hold out too much hope...in german it might be just be a edition where a slipcase and maybe a mini poster are the biggest extras
  6. And also mostly cheaper than the german releases 😅
  7. I also recently saw a scene pop up online that I remember watching as a child and never forgot about, though I couldn't remember the movie title for a long time and even thought I imagined it:
  8. Well I never want to be the one saying "in my times we hit each other with sticks and were happy about it" 😂 if we had access to phones and tablets in our childhood well I don't know how addicted we would have been 😅 we had game consoles very early though but our parents always set a time limit. So I don't have anything against giving children access to these devices but it should be limited and the parents should check what their kids are watching. Or use it to play games together.
  9. You are absolutely right, it's a problem here too. Hell even if adults are meeting with friends they have their phones out. I also can only imagine how hard it is to be a parent but tossing their kids in front of a TV/tablet/phone just so that they don't get disturbed by them...well why have a child at all then? And even in times of Corona you could still take a walk outside (here at least) but even when they do...I often see a mother pushing a stroller while on the phone/talking with a friend and the kid also glued to a tablet. Hardly communicating with the child, explaining things to them, teaching them new words and what they are seeing outside.
  10. Underpaid & overworked are certainly true here, too. But they already get kids which they can hardly work with, an example: When I was at my hairdresser once they was a kid beside me, eyes glued on his phone with a video playing during the whole time of the haircut. Even tilting the phone when he had to tilt his head and he couldn't talk coherently. Like it was all just baby talk or more noises than talk. When they left my hairdresser told me, that this kid will start school in a few weeks. How should teachers do they job appropriately when they have to start at zero? Not saying all teachers are good or the education system is perfect but a lot of problems start even before school and even before kindergarten.
  11. It's really sad to see how some parents aren't willing to invest time in their kids education...phone and tablets could be used to educate them playfully if the parent would sit down with them and getting them engaged. Not all parents are like that of course but lately I see it getting more prevalent. And some kids can't even sit through a 30 min. Youtube video anymore...even if they like the video. And now they got tiktok with short videos, mostly dancing or pranks, nothing to think about which they watch all day. I wonder what kind of cinema will appeal to them.
  12. No need to pause it when he is watching it while on the loo
  13. It was a bit too generic for me to be honest...it wasn't bad and I enjoyed parts of it. So an okay movie to me 😂
  14. Oh dang yes! Monty Python! Always has me rolling 😂
  15. I liked the visuals but it doesn't come close to the anime. The acting was too stiff even if it's supposed to show the "robotic/cold" nature. And they completly missed the point of the tank fight...in the anime it was quiet, no gloating from and cutting to "the big bad", no dramatic music and she didn't win the fight here which was to show that she wasn't a one man army
  16. Maybe also OUATIH 😂 Wanna rename it to "The sentimental crying thread"? 😂
  17. Yeah same for me! Always thinking of my grandpa & grandma and just being a ball of emotions 😂
  18. Yeah Up unfortunately isn't my cup of tea after that opening scene but damn if that alone doesn't turn up the waterworks
  19. Movies I could watch anytime aren't necessarily my most favorite ones, but for the darker movies I have to be in the right mood 😂 Ghost in the Shell (anime version) Blade Runner / 2049 Fight Club Your Name Spirited Away Captain America Winter Soldier Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse Lion King Moana Coco (a lot of animated movies I realize 😂)
  20. Not our dear Mr. @R1s1ngs0n he even has his special favorite TP.
  21. So you can wipe yourself? Color me impressed
  22. As if you wouldn't be totally helpless without her and crying whatever is left of your soul out. The only good thing would be the absence of your MIL

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