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Hollywood E Rock

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Everything posted by Hollywood E Rock

  1. New Group Buy Open Pre-registration phase JAWS (FAC Exclusive #134)
  2. New Group Buy Open Pre-registration phase JAWS (FAC Exclusive #134)
  3. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY WET Wednesday Good Morning Psychos! Mornings define our day so here’s to everyone having a great start, & here’s to everyone having a Wonderful Wednesday!
  4. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! Mornings define our day so here’s to everyone having a great start, & here’s to everyone having a Wonderful Wednesday!
  5. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! Mornings define our day so here’s to everyone having a great start, & here’s to everyone having a Wonderful Wednesday!
  6. You’ve been traveling around these threads defending Birds of Prey as a good movie & you don’t like The Matrix?
  7. Oh yeah I couldn’t miss out, before then I only own the movie on dvd. Been wanting to upgrade for some time now. When I saw it on Shout Factory’s website I was very excited, but confused because like I said I didn’t know if it would come w/a slip. I also have the Criterion version of the original, I’m talking about money well spent 😁. Getting a pink case would be a nice touch. I think I’m going to have to do the same.
  8. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY THIN Tuesday Good Morning Psychos! I hope you all are doing good today! Here’s to us experiencing a Tuesday that’s even better than our Monday!
  9. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! I hope you all are doing good today! Here’s to us experiencing a Tuesday that’s even better than our Monday!
  10. @Grendel Thank you my friend it’s nice to know I’m not the only one puzzled by this particular situation. It would be nice if they where clearer about the situation just like how they are about their limited poster that come with their releases. They always let you know that their limited & you better hurry & pre-order if you expect your copy to come w/one. Wish they did that for their slipcovers also.
  11. Hey @Grendel When I’m on Shout Factories website I’ve noticed that some movies are advertised w/slipcovers & others are not. For example their release of The Blob came with a slipcover but on the website the movie wasn’t shown with having one. I ended up purchasing my copy from an eBay seller because I was guaranteed their copy came with a slip. When it comes to ordering from them directly how do you know if your copy is coming with a slipcover?
  12. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! I hope you all are doing good today! Here’s to us experiencing a Tuesday that’s even better than our Monday!
  13. @Intentcoin You would know considering your opinion has been on the wrong side of history as of lately. This movie only deserves to be own because HDZeta has been consistent with their DC releases. I understand collectors for better or for worse not wanting holes in their collection, but wasting space for two copies 😂😂😂😂 PS it’s okay for you to like 💩 movies. Just because their 💩 doesn’t mean no one will enjoy them, but they are still 💩 nonetheless.
  14. We definitely don’t deserve as many as we are getting. Damn movie was 💩, & it also didn’t blow up the box office so I don’t understand all the love it’s getting in the premium market.
  15. @Casiusco This I whole heartily agree with. The parental technique of giving children a false reality to live in until they’re a certain age has proven to be dangerous & short sighted. It’s no wonder that society has trouble moving forward when we are improperly preparing the children of the future. @Mad-martigan You are right when you say the core from a child’s early life will remain in their adult life & this is why it’s important not to shelter children from the truths of the world. If children are not properly prepared to deal with all the traumas life will throw at them they will have a hard time navigating through their adult years. Parents shouldn’t worry about ensuring a safe transition “without traumas” into the adult world. The focus should be on ensuring a safe transition where a child understands & knows how to deal with the traumas that may come their way. Trauma is a part of life that can’t be avoided, so there isn’t a reason to shelter children from it when they are at the stage in their life when they are the most receptive to learning. Once you become an adult it’s hard letting go of earlier programming & most of the programming humans get in their early years are lies. Same here, as a kid I watched all kinds of crazy a$$ movies & my parents used the movies as teachable moments, because even though a lot of these movies had fantasy elements they still had moments where they mirrored real life. Children are tougher, & smarter, than what adults give them credit for. I say children can handle these movies pretty early on in age as long as an adult took real time out to properly explain situations without sugar. Kids are so receptive that if you give them enough examples they would understand “adult themes” just fine. Kids are only naive because adults train them to be that way. Any option when it comes to the television can be dangerous for a child to consume without proper adult guidance. P.S. I replied to you guys comments here in this thread because I wasn’t staying on subject. This area is better suited for this topic.
  16. Django is one of his most successful movies, I don’t understand why it has been ignored by the premium retailers. I believe they planned to do a Shazam release but couldn’t get the artwork approved so they abandoned the project all together.
  17. I’m more than likely going to support these releases but it would be nice if the list was made up of more movies that haven’t already gotten the premium treatment from another company.
  18. I’m more than likely going to support these releases but it would be nice if the list was made up of more movies that haven’t already gotten the premium treatment from another company.

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