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Everything posted by raylight

  1. In the beginning I liked the series much because it was something new and also heavy and rough.
  2. Ich sortiere nicht nach Medium, sondern grundsätzlich nach Alphabet. Habe aber die Genre ein wenig voneinander getrennt. Ich habe ein Regal nur mit Serien, TV, Doku, Komödie und Animationsfilmen. Also quasi alles so was "familientauglich" ist. Ein weiteres Regal nur mit Science-Fiction, separat dabei die Marvel und DC Sachen. Alles andere in den restlichen Regalen also Krimi, Thriller, Drama, Action usw.
  3. Gibt es eigentlich auch "PopePal" als Zahlungsmethode ? Muss ich gleich mal nachschauen... 😄
  4. Info regarding Beautyshot Game #2: Some users marked differences at the far left and/or far right side of the fake pic. See my pink arrows in the example. These are no differences ! These are just the result of putting the vertical "easter banner" between both pics to split them. So please keep in mind for all upcoming BS games: Far left and/or far right side in fake pic, there are no differences ! (see pink arrows as example) All differences are placed not on the left or right edge or in the corners. Please read the BS-game description carefully to know how many differences you have to search for. Do not mark more differences than the pic has in total. THANKS ! the psycho bunny game masters
  5. Info regarding Game #4: Wimmelbild / Hidden Object Picture Game you dont need to numbering the bunnies you found just mark it somehow with... pink arrows red circles or dots black crosses yellow freehand lines green numbers whatever...but it must be clear to see where you found a bunny
  6. Hallo Lindy, wir klären das intern in der Spielleiter Runde. ich denek es sollte aber kein Thema sein die Sachen bis Mitte März aufzuheben. Dann kannst Du in Ruhe daheim die Rätsel lösen. Mal sehen was Nils sagt. 😇
  7. Guten Morgen ! So, noch schnell Waschen und dann Einkaufen fahren. Wenn ich zurück bin, haben mich die Members hier wegen der BS-Suchbilder wahrscheinlich schon virtuell gevierteilt. 😄 Nix wie weg...
  8. Okay, I see. But I can promise: you ALL dont have to zoom into the pics we provided to find the differences especially not if you use the 3000px pics. @extantsrevenge Nils, I hope this is okay when I give this tips now: again for All: take the 1920px pic if you're a real Psycho take the 3000px pic if you think you're a real Psycho. 😉 you dont need to zoom into the pics to find the differences. We did not change texts like "Spider-Man" on a spine or something like that which is super small to see or to read clearly. That would be really too much. Again: every change is clearly visible In the end...It seems to me that the little Minion Daniel gets punished from all the competitors for developing these pictures...😄
  9. just to have an idea, can you make a screenshot of your told "pixelation" and post it here ? on th eother side I can tell you that you can 100% find all diferences without "zooming" e.g. 300% into our delivered pics. The differences are clear and visible. I think many of you will say after presentation of the solution "why didnt I see that...?"
  10. Hm, I'm really sorry to read that. I'm not allowed to tell the solution but I think we'll discuss this in the game supporter team. Lets see what we can do. Beside the fact that I created these fake pictures...I can tell you that I already saw some members solutions with different findings and also complete findings. So it seems that it can be solved and yes, it's not super easy. But why we are called Psychos ?
  11. dont know what device you're using...mobile phone, tablet, pc..whatever, but all of them should be able to view the pic without beeing pixelated. So once again, hopefully helpful for everyone for the upcoming games: we have the game topic here: Inside you'll find the Beautyshot Game challenges. Actual game page looks like this: In every Beautyshot-Game, we'll provide two versions of the game pic: #1 has a width of 1920px and should fit to all normal HD-screens as we as known PC screen format 1920x1080px, also known as "full-HD". #2 has a width of 3000px and will fit on all 4K (UHD screens), but as well as PC screen formats like WQHD (3440x1440px) up to 4K (3840x2160px) To open pic size #1, the easiest way is just to use your browser and "right-mouse-click" and chosse "open in a new tab". If you just click on the pic, there might be the following issue: Solution: click again on the pic and your mouse cursor will change into a magnifier: If you then click again, the picture will be shown in original scale and you wont have a pixelated view. Of course, you can also open the picture in the spoiler with the 3000px width (if your screen allows this resolution) which makes searching for differences a little bit easier. hope this helps.
  12. do you not find the differences or do you have problems with pic resolution (is it pixelated) ?
  13. please update your grid. As @extantsrevenge Nils already said, you used #04 twice, but also #03 twice !
  14. Danke für den Trailer ! Was hab ich eben gelacht ! 🤣 Genau mein Ding. 👍
  15. @Blu Magic Ray Ingo, Congratulations to posts ! Möge der Raum der Begegnung stets gut bewacht sein !
  16. Wenn ich überlege, dass die früher öfters "3für2" auf den GEsamtbestand angeboten haben, ohne die Preise vorher anzuheben. Einfach nur erbärmlich, zu was für einen Saftladen die verkümmert sind.
  17. Ich war ja schon länger nicht mehr bei MM auf der Page. Aber die aktuelle Aktion ist für mich der "Brüller des Tages". 🤣 Mit der brachialen Auswahl im Bereich "Film" von sage und schreibe "4" Titeln !!! 🤣 Meine Fresse, ich kann mich gar nicht entscheiden. Vor allem bei der riesen Auswahl... Wie gut, dass ich in Anbetracht dieser umfangreichen Aktion noch genügend Bedenkzeit habe...

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