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Everything posted by Basil

  1. and ive already bought the wifes christmas pressie with her birthday the other week there stashed up my dads lol basil
  2. here you go @Veum and @Pbsw23 time to remix it up a bit basil
  3. no and quite right m8 you enjoy it just wish the weather was better here the weekend. seems last few weeks have baked roasted and cooked in workshop from 28-33c and sweated where didn't know i could sweat either and now friday night is here have got a few new thatchers haze to try in the fridge so some music for your friday night veum basil
  4. you lucky sod its 18.15 thursday here and most of us goto go work morro 🤒 and its goona pisssssssssss down the weekend here basil
  5. any accident is always good as long as you all walk away safely all joking apart. my logic is this its only a piece of metal try not to have one but everyone does as some point. did you see it coming btw from behind if you did at least you a chance for bracing up? basil
  6. @Pbsw23 not a corsa sri hairdrier impressive 98bhp i had one of those years ago as aloaner bare in mind 5ft 10 stocky build and felt like i was wearing the windscreen at the time but at least you got four wheels to get you around. sooo glad i drive focus a little bit more roomer for when accidents do happen and dont head butt the windscreen really sorry to hear of your sh1t hopefully they be able to fix it and it isnt a write of if backend is that bent. im sure @RileyLad could hook you up with a decent car if your looking to abuse someone im sure my @Veum help you out if you like but im not sure you would win common @Veum show the angry side oh and one last thing as its a loaner remember drive it like you stole it hope it all sorts out all the best basil 👍
  7. and order cancelled waiting for premium this is out 12th august last chance to cancel folks basil
  8. if zavvi direct but if something like a premium like manta a gb. gbs you are usually looked after better tbh and when it goes wrong its easier to sort out. word of warning zavvi are a pain to deal with when it does go wrong they customer service is sh1t tbh. but have a look around the boards and you will see. anyway welcome 👍 basil
  9. @Veum blufans wea spidey tommorrow, beautyshots and should be update phase tommorrow m8 keep you eyes peeled basil
  10. well that didnt last long all plat sold out all gold sold out 19 silver left basil
  11. fixed that for you @extantsrevenge its is now in the singular as only ever @Veum or me in here at any one time of late everyone else has fooked off as its feeling more like basil
  12. @goose_3387 i for one would like to say a big thankyou for all the amazing work you do here and how greatly appreciated it is 👍 and i get your poor head must be expolding with all the requests you getting as well. basil
  13. also see last 10 gold and last 20 silver now. wont be long and they be done for the year. wonder how many peeps see come on thru the year asking now. basil
  14. i see last 10 gold now these all be done soon and that be it for another year. if people got any doubts don't. cos once there gone there gone and usually there be NO more. amount of people you see asking as they join up thru the year is horrendous. link https://mediapsychos.com/premium-memberships/ basil
  15. good morning psychos just coming round 5am here goto go that horrible place begining with W but lucky for me poets day looms
  16. @Robertm89 what happened with hulk blufans and what was end result?
  17. @Scary Hair so thor in his suit does nothing for you? and you don't know what your missing if you spent the time to get involved basil
  18. yes i know that just playing devils advocate, you know me life is too short. speaking of which got docs tommorrow 🙄 and prob goona end up with minor op, wife has been nagging me to go for last 6 months and now its starting to pee me off. i hate doctors basil
  19. so if there was a bo rap wea and you couldn't get on it ann basil
  20. @Robertm89 have just edit ones not sold as well now, must be plans in place as you say quite an increase as long as supply doesn't out strip demand. otherwise could end up having not everyone statisfied down the lists and tiers. anyway fingers crossed for another good year. just hope this is all now done the same way next year like amazon have a prime day. psychos have a tier day basil
  21. john does it refund to store credit remaining bit mem and i had 3 gb deps to come back as well so asked if he could do all in one hit which he did. so guess must be kama and then saw how many plats there are now as well which sort made me flip as well in the end. orginal last years numbers plat 48 gold 60 sil 15 this year so far plat 83 gold 53 + 19 left sil 16 + 20 left i just hope they haven't over done it on plat numbers thats a 35 increase just on that, i know golds dropped 7. lets just hope we dont have bull fights. i would seriously hate to be a none tiered member trying to do the more sort after ones. basil

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