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Everything posted by Basil

  1. @Veum bloody hell just noticed your post count 2020. thats alot of goodnights and good mornings @extantsrevenge does he get a reward for 2000+ posts? if not think he should, considering he joined in march. epic for 6 months posting by anyones standard. basil
  2. cheers @extantsrevenge and @DodgyDave both sound advice. i think ill hold off for the minute i been trying to get straight and think this be my wake up call for the moment. i can't fall into the trap my good friend @Veum has where its all going. my god did i just do something adult there basil
  3. i only collect singles dont do one clicks havent got the room or money for all that. usually on a blufans im your double lenti man, i try and stick with one sort and be done with it and bf dl is around $70-80 if i do get this is will really grind me as i usually dont do double dip ever. also i need to know weet are going to be doing endgame otherwise this is a non starter for me,has to be right for the follow thru. otherwise endup with a shelf filled with every man and his dog premium all look highly different but in a bad way screws with my ocd to much. think im going off and have a cider now that help me think just dont tell the wife she calls it snore juice for me basil
  4. dam you nils im seriously tempted by this, but the only thing that may seal it is are they goona do endgame???? and also whats a rough price so have an idea, i have to be a bit careful here just starting to get straight from been paying out for last 4 months and been in the poor house but is my own doing and big bills all at the wrong time @Scary Hair ann get your arse in here whats you opionon on it all need some help and this would be my first weet if it was. for me is the back its what blufans should have had and it hurts me to say that. basil
  5. @Veum beleated happy birthday for the other day, i did not realise you where 21 again, i just hope you stocked up on cake and steaks i let you choose which dependant on mood anyway hope you had a really good one 👍 basil
  6. hubba hubba now why cant we get a spidey girl basil
  7. well friday is here made it thru another week time to order my dinner and on that note i leave you a pertinent musical interlude basil
  8. @Veum dont know if you noticed but perhaps its just my sick mind but peter the strawberry looks like hes got a pair of testes for a chin and i cant unsee this now thanks 👍 basil
  9. from rt Quentin Tarantino wrote and directed this adaptation of Elmore Leonard's 1995 Rum Punch, switching the action from Miami to LA, and altering the central character from white to black. Ruthless arms dealer Ordell Robbie (Samuel L. Jackson), who lives with perpetually stoned beach-babe Melanie (Bridget Fonda), teams with his old buddy Louis Gara (Robert De Niro), just released from prison after serving four years for armed robbery. ATF agent Ray Nicolette (Michael Keaton) and cop Mark Dargus (Michael Bowen) bust stewardess Jackie Brown (Pam Grier), who was smuggling money into the country for Ordell. Ordell springs Jackie, but when middle-aged bail bondsman Max Cherry (Robert Forster) picks her up at the jail, he's attracted to her, and they choose a romantic route with detours. Mistrust and suspicions surface after Jackie pits Ordell and the cops against each other, convincing Ordell that she's going to double-cross the cops. its bloody and damn good like all his films trust me basil 👍
  10. @Robertm89 i personally want all his movies on steel. have a few inglourious (futureshop) , django, kill bills, hateful eight, and hollywood on pre-order. but we do need them all its a shame not one premium house would do the lot someone like manta would be good choice. basil
  11. that art do me nicccccccely @Scary Hair@Veum@Tulenos253@Hollywood E Rock@Robertm89@RileyLad@Pbsw23 look up basil 👍
  12. @Hollywood E Rock a spidey WEA and you arent bothered? my spidey OCD senses is tingling and your collection wont be complete 😟 basil
  13. when will you know our allocation here roughly? as i suspect every site be gunning for this if is going to be that low, i suspect other site may not even have a public gb like he did on one version the other week and with this being WEA and his vips, which mean our list be filling up more than usual. not that he has said this yet but i suspect its coming if you get where i coming from, as i know you be on it like a fly on the brown stuff helping all you can as usual👍
  14. fook me from kev below on other site goona be bloooooooddddddbath @extantsrevengeand @DodgyDave World Exclusive Art Steelbook, Exclusive Lenticular Edition, Super Limited Print Run! so glad for tiered its really goona count on this one me thinks anyway done all i can its up in here and plat section people cant say they didnt know and i bet there will be loads that do basil
  15. 2 posts above @RileyLad@Pbsw23@Robertm89@Hollywood E Rock@Tulenos253 and @Veum see you already on it 👍 basil
  16. Spider-Man: Homecoming (Blufans Exclusive #56) (WEA 4K UHD/3D/2D Blu-ray Steelbook) [China] just gone up gb
  17. well here we are at last best song below in celebration basil
  18. ^^^^^^ jinx well today was not fun i very nearly walked out of work today wont boar you with details but my manager is a pleb complete and utterly and i got some more sh1t tommorrow thank fook for poets day thats only thing keeping me going after today. to a better tommorrow and ive started on the cider to take edge off today and if it carries on tommorrow i might even get pissed, cant rememberlast time i got pissed either, not good 🤒 basil 🙄
  19. well what a sh1t day ive had, all hotel units aircoils covered and blocked in dead skin hmmm yum yum. guess who had to get them all cleaned out to work again muggins here. covered from head to foot in other peoples skin lovely. after using high pressure airline and paint brush and chemicals to break it all up. and if they just done some maintenance like hoover aircoil every couple of months be alright, b@rstad hotel units i fookin hate them. they only every intrested in renting the damn room out and then wonder why units are breaking down. @Scary Hair reference muppets. oh and to top it all blufans have gone done only what can be described as a OAB for cap marvel and endgame. basil 🤬

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