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Everything posted by deckard99

  1. The art on this new steel is vastly better than the previous They Live steels. I'm in!
  2. Group buy is now open for gold and regular members here! @★ GOLD Psycho ★
  3. until

    Count me in!
  4. Group Buy is now open for Platinum Members Here! @★ Platinum Psycho ★
  5. Just because you see an X doesn't necessarily mean there's a slot to fill. It's too early to say whether or not this can be re-opened but if it's possible we certainly will. - Ken
  6. I only just got my Atlantean box. Bigger than I expected and feels as heavy as a bowling ball! 😂 Transit seems to be very slow on these, no doubt due to the size and weight. - Ken
  7. @marvel-companion Members are encouraged to share their thoughts in our various discussion threads by posting messages and photos. Participating is games and contests held on MP, submitting photos for awards, sharing news, posting release threads, and promoting MP on social media are all good. There are many other ways as well, but it all comes down to being active and contributing. Buying, selling, and trading between members on MP is strictly prohibited, but if you find something nice there are threads to show off pictures. - Ken
  8. Hi @marvel-companion there are only a limited number of premium memberships, so they are offered to members by the staff based on their participation and support of the community. The next membership period opens in January. Yes there is a fee. - Ken
  9. Usually holiday releases like this always have an o-ring slip. It will be kind of surprising if these don't.
  10. Hi @The-Mad-God our rules have changed. We no longer collect deposits from new members, however certain GBs will have a payment called a VET (Virtual Entrance Ticket). If this applies to any GBs you join, then you will be contacted with further instructions. - Ken
  11. This is being done "the old way". It will be transferred to the club after we close
  12. Those live shots are amazing. Love the texture on the box and slips! Count me in 😍
  13. Nope. Platinum for at least 24 hours, then gold and regular together (in the regular GB section)
  14. Group Buy is now open for Platinum members here @★ Platinum Psycho ★
  15. The group buy has not been finalized yet as we have a few singles left. A few OC requests might need to be reduced from 2x to 1x, but other than that we're in good shape.

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