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Everything posted by bizarrewitness

  1. Thanks, but I’m not trying to get all that invested in this stuff. I was mainly just going for this Blade Runner release cause I wanted to fix the oddity of having a steelbook for 2049 but not the original film. Guess I’ll stick with the 4k amaray until prices go down on eBay. May you all lovely people acquire future releases!
  2. Yeah…didn’t go all too well lol. For starters, I stayed up ‘til 5am on Thursday…I don’t know how I got confused like that. So I definitely wasn’t going to do that two days in a row. I figured I’d set an alarm 15 minutes before the sets went live. I ended up waking up 4 minutes after which by then everything was sold out. But judging from everyone’s reactions here my chances were smaller than expected to begin with. A real bummer. I was only ever really interested in the steelbook anyways. I didn’t really care for the slips or the extra stuff although that would have been a plus. Anyways, I think I’ll just stick to general steelbook releases and leave the premiums to save myself some sanity.
  3. Thanks @Grendel and @balloonacy! I'm really trying to go for this one so I'll definitely set up an account and payment details so I can be ready when the time comes. Here's to hoping it isn't all for nothing.
  4. So I didn’t make it into the final list for the GB. I’m not sure if I have the time right, I thought it was 1am pst but now I’ve read here it’s at 5am. realistically, if I refresh the page on the dot, what are my chances of acquiring a double lenticular? i’d like to know if it’s worth waking up or staying up for it. Thanks for any help!
  5. Thanks for the welcome guys! I managed to get in the group buy for blade runner! Now i can only hope there’s enough stock left over for me a regular member lol
  6. My username stems from an 80s zine by Melinda Jaeb. It’s actually titled Witness to the Bizarre but on other accounts it sometimes doesn’t fit so I just shorten it to this. Anyways, I only found out about it cause MGMT’s album Little Dark Age uses the artwork from one of the zines. There were 3 issues I believe and they used the second issue’s cover of what appears to be a screaming clown? Similar to The Scream by Edvard Munch. currently don’t have an avatar but I’ll probably get one soon.

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