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Everything posted by extantsrevenge

  1. 😲 that additional slip looks nice, but I don't like Robocop 2 enough to spend the extra money on it. Might have been a different Story with Robocop 1.
  2. Guten Morgen und einen schönen Mittwoch
  3. Zum Preis kann ich leider noch nichts sagen, sobald wir den Retail Preis haben kann man mit den Rechenspielchen anfangen ☺️. Hoffentlich bekommen wir richtig viele Orders, damit die Reihe dann auch weitergehen kann.
  4. to all you Bingo Players, that was again a lot of fun 😊 and the minions of @Psycho Bunny start to realize something is not going their way. Here are the results for Bunny Bingo #4 @29bananas 22 Points (with Bingo 3 & 4) @bl4ck5t3r 15 Points (with Bingo #5) @BreakBeatDJ 14 Points (with Bonus Bingo #6) @Pinkulo2 (with Bingo #2) @jwhitm3 (with Bingo #1) @Noir21 12 Points (with Bonus Bingo #7) @hal56 @Fortis93 10,5 Points (with @hal56 splitting the Bonus Bingo 8 Points with @Fortis93 because he had #9 which would have been 0 Bonus Points.... I hope you don't regret that @hal56 😅) @Nadam @upmaniac @Catgirl @daetilus 10 Points @Veum 9 Points @Rhett @hansreinhardt @Martyn @MikeH5856 @capricornio34232 @pawno @bossjon @Boilersteel 8 Points @coupelle @Toapel @Hecko @Chief_lookout @InfiniteDoors @hdblueman @nathanproctor @Zinco97 7 Points @CAYENNE-FAHRER @R1s1ngs0n @Psycho Bunny @JojoFrance76 6 Points @TechSpec924 @Adrip 5 Points Our helpful Minion @raylight also did the terrific Game 4 presentation 👍 For anyone interested in seeing how the game would have continued take a look at the next drawings. When would you have gotten your first Bingo? The last 3 hours to submit any of the other Games are currently running, after that it is over and we will calculate the results. I think the guys with really long ears will not be happy
  5. @Psycho Bunny Members still have today to submit the final game answers. After that we will see who won... @Psycho Bunny or our Members ☺️ Please allow us a few days to finalize the game ranking.
  6. Habe es wirklich bekommen ☺️. Stellt euch mal vor es hätte mich einer damit geärgert... "The Crow ist wieder live" und dann wäre es nicht da gewesen 😲 Derjenige hätte was erlebt
  7. Wow ich habe gerade ein amazon Exklusiv The Crow Steelbook ergattert. War durch Zufall in meinem Account um eine Order zu stornieren und dann hatte ich auf meiner Watchlist gesehen, dass das The Crow einen Preis hatte, diesmal war ich dann auch schnell genug um das 1 verfügbare Exemplar zu bekommen 😍 Und ich dachte, ich würde keine Ostergeschenke mehr bekommen Jetzt nur hoffen, dass es auch wirklich verschickt wird.
  8. 😲 We have 10 more Bingos today, do you want to share with them too 😆. Also @29bananas would have had another 2 today, 4 total in 8 days 😲, must be the best grid ever. We will post the Points for Game 4 later. Remember, today is the last day to send in answers for the other Games.
  9. Happy Easter Monday Here are the final numbers for our Bingo 4 Game. Only 1 Bonus Bingo left.
  10. Guten Morgen und einen schönen Ostermontag
  11. we actually had 2 more Bingos today 😲 According to our rules the game was already over with 5 Bingos claimed. As I wrote previously as it is easter I wanted to extend the Game to 8 Bingo, so that we could finish tomorrow on the final day of the event. Game Masters suggested we could play a 5th Bingo but that would prolong the event and after 1 month and I also don't want to give @Psycho Bunny the chance to regenerate. If nobody objects I would say we play this Game until 8 Bingos are claimed. That means @BreakBeatDJ @Noir21 would have Bingo 6 & 7 and 1 more Bingo is left. So that these Bingos do not influence the overall Event results I would suggest that Bingo 6-8 receive only 3 Bonus Points each and that the final Bingo #8 can only be claimed from a member that has not had a Bingo in this round. Everyone can collect normal points for the numbers drawn tomorrow. I think that would be a great way to finish our Game.
  12. Oster Überrauschung. Hier geht es zum Release Topic
  13. OMG If I'm not completely wrong you actually have the only Bingo today 😲. And I thought about increasing the Number of Bingos in this Game to 8 because it is easter, but nobody could claim them, because nobody has any Bingo 😂. Maybe we shoud do it anyway so we can continue to play tomorrow, which would be the big final of our event 🤔. What do you guys think?
  14. Guten Morgen und euch allen ein schönes Osterfest ❤️
  15. Most impressive. But you should have stopped with the 2 you actually had.... Now I have to take both actual Bingos away for attempted cheating* *lol jk too😂

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