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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Hecko

  1. Good Morning Psychos its absolutely freezing this morning .
  2. Morning psychos! felt like this when waiting for car to defrost this morning.
  3. 😂 Thats mad will interesting to see how well they do with the films they have picked. Yeah I think everyone has ago literally just take it in turns. That broad nation looks pretty good I haven’t gone for it tho got too much money already coming out lol. The John Wick is really sought after these days did a really good job with it. I saw a few in johns end of year sale. I don’t mind WeET with marvel they always seem to do really well for me.
  4. all out of reactions think you know aswell as I do how that feels lol. I like marvel but I feel like that’s all they keep doing its kinda why I’m big on CM even tho the wait time is long I don’t mind waiting if it’s worth it in the end. I’m surprised there isn’t a company in America that does premiums like Manta, Blufans etc. I hardly see anything from nova or kimchi looking at there past editions they had some great ones.
  5. 6 OCS in one month wtf can only imagine the price of that 😂.
  6. Damn sounds mad trying to keep up must of been crazy. I look back at some of the older releases and they look absolutely mint. I wish could of got kimchi Dusk Till Dawn OC. Nova Gangs of New York I like aswell. I really like Manta and tell you the truth I’m not really that big on Blufans.
  7. if you click on following then click on change how this notification is sent you can edit how you receive them. I don’t get no emails but have a lot of notifications when come on site. This is on iPhone so dunno if it’s same way on pc/laptop.
  8. I haven’t really been collecting that long so thought would ask u did they release more a lot quicker before covid hit or was it the same as now? Has WeET done anything other than marvel premiums don’t really know to much about nova and kimchi.
  9. Good Morning Psychos here’s to the best day of the week!
  10. Good Morning German Room OOR
  11. I’ve not had a invoice yet but I’ve always used PayPal. I don’t use credit card but probably look at getting one. Has there been any reason why it’s changed?
  12. Its bs how they gonna let Americans buy it for 99 dollars and try and charge us Double some people even got it for 80 dollars when first put on Walmart. I am waiting till drops in price won’t sell out at that price. It should be with steels dunno why they didn’t.
  13. The weather is same down here atleast it’s a lot warmer. The last few days been freezing. What you got ps or Xbox? I’ve had the new Xbox since day one but I don’t think I’ve played a game in about 3 months dunno why I brought it sometimes.

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