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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Veum

  1. Hi @carphunter , love that comfy pose, except that is just a big glass of ice tea for me! 🥤 My favorite mix is: your USA friend Veum 🤠
  2. @ksosk, The Matrix Reloaded and Revolution look amazing! 🎬 I can not wait to add these beauties to the beauty The Matrix I have... thank you KS for the great work you always do with all of these special additions!! 📫
  3. Thanks @extantsrevenge, I'm Prime & pre-ordered... looks like a fun edition (maybe I'll try to get a lower priced 4K & do something with this?! )! Looking fwd to Prime Day on July 15/16 to see if I can get any great deals!! Veum
  4. good day all, Tag your it @Guiltybyproxy, GB : [ OPEN ] Gangs of New York (Novamedia Exclusive #24) (WEA Blu-ray Steelbook) [Korea] Veum
  5. Yeah @Sheikah, the live-action of The Lion King looks like my 'cup of tea'!
  6. Hi @icewire that is odd as I logged in earlier to pay for my Venom GB! Veum
  7. good day my fellow psychos your United States friend Veum here! Just came across this thread & I thought it would be fun to join in, alright !? Watched last night Brothers 9/10 with Jake Gyllenhaal , Tobey Maguire and the beautiful Natalie Portman ! A very good and sometimes intense movie ... I absolutely enjoyed watching this amazing movie ... check it out!
  8. good day my fellow psychos your USA friend Veum here! Just came across this thread & I thought it would be fun to join in, alright!? Watched last night Brothers 9/10 with Jake Gyllenhaal, Tobey Maguire and the beautiful Natalie Portman ! A very good and sometimes intense movie... I absolutely enjoyed/recommend seeing this stunning movie... check it out!
  9. Welcome aboard @Mark! I hope you find Media Psychos with as much fun as I do (as I joined also recently in March '19)! It can be overwhelming at first (just dive into all those GBs that interest you), but I've found there are alot of great peeps here that will help you out!! Hope to hear how you are enjoying yourself on our MP forum, have fun & watch your wallet !!! your MP friend Veum
  10. @Benoit46 good day your ol friend Veum from the USA here, I just love the way you conduct your HUB (although I do not understand all your lingo ) and the way you all interact with each other❣️ I just wish we had this close friendship/conversation with each other within the USA HUB (I'm not a leader however, but a good follower ). Keep going strong my French friends!! Have a wonderful day!!!
  11. Hi @Catgirl, this is all I can give ya! I'm very private you know!
  12. good morning to us on this side of the World and good day on the other side of the World, It is stormy/rainy here in the mid-west USA also... that this is probably the wettest June on record for us in the mid-west, which will hurt all the farmers/consumers with higher prices! other then that you all have a fantastic rest of the week-end you hear! your USA friend Veum
  13. good morning to us on this side of the World and good day on the other side of the World, It is stormy/rainy here in the mid-west USA also... that this is probably the wettest June on record for us in the mid-west, which will hurt all the farmers/consumers with higher prices! other then that you all have a fantastic rest of the week-end you hear! your USA friend Veum
  14. good morning to us on this side of the World and good day on the other side of the World, @Catgirl, Yeah it is stormy/rainy here in the mid-west USA also... that this is probably the wettest June on record for us in the mid-west, which will hurt all the farmers/consumers with higher prices! other then that you all have a fantastic rest of the week-end you hear! your USA friend Veum
  15. Hi @SkywalkerZ, you mean you get no good artists like these, etc., etc....
  16. good day English Room! My biggest problem for me in the English Room is when I post here everyone is asleep and vice-versa! And then once I do reply the conversation has long been over with, #$%^&!! your USA friend Veum
  17. good day my fellow psychos! @R1s1ngs0n my friend are you? I love this Français forum, however I CAN NOT STAND this inferno goggle translate back & forth business to me! your USA friend Veum
  18. @Intentcoin see the above price.. it should be around the $90+ range according to @ksosk!

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