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This week was good one in Oklahoma

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I figured my first ever post here should be my weekly mail haul. It was a good week.

The Wicker Man set from Imprint is probably the one I am the most excited about. It is my favorite horror movie of all time, and I was beyond stoked it got a box set release. 


The Forest Collection and Twenty Nine Palms were both blind buys simply because I love the distributors. The Forest Collection was released by Error 4444. Error 4444 specializes in Japanese releases, and they have only released one other movie, Anatomia Extinction. If you are a fan of movies like Tetsuo or Tokyo Gore Police, Anatomia Extinction will be right up your alley. As a matter of fact, it is the "prequel" to Tokyo Gore Police. Because the quality of that release was so high, I figured I should continue to build my Error 4444 collection with their sophomore release. 

Twenty Nine Palms was a Fractured Visions release, and they are an amazing distributor as well. I discovered Luz: The Flower of Evil because of their release and that movie was amazing. I can't really say anything about Twenty Nine Palms other than I am excited to watch it this weekend.  

And finally, we have Criterion's release of Portrait of a Lady on Fire. This movie is generally considered to be one of the modern classics, and I am excited to give it a watch this weekend as well. If I find a good sale, I usually don't hesitate to pick up a Criterion or two or twenty-three.

When I get the living room cleaned up, I'll share the full collection. But unfortunately, only the kitchen table was photo-worthy right now. 


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