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Everything posted by Basil

  1. @Veum you naughty boy tagging @extantsrevenge with the same question twice
  2. @Veum i could make a really rude comment to that but i will refrain sound like you been a busy morning, so did i sort of goto work at 6.30am before work and installed some electrics on my car before starting at 7.15 ish then told sweep up nothing to do 🙄 sat there from 8am to 4pm bored out of my head came home an old neighbour locked himself out after speaking to me. then had to find a ladder to get over his back fence go threw house and open door to let him back in anyway first bit of conversation had all day. anway elses day been eventful? i just pray to god have something to do tommorrow basil
  3. dont blame you one bit looks like 30c at the mo at least weather should be with you. shame you couldn't had two weeks. hope you enjoy it all my holiday from work is all booked off now got christmas off and last 7days i got mondays off from end sept in between all the others at work. but did find i got bonus day off as wasnt sick last year, result didn't even know they did that. basil
  4. wife likes chinese if that counts? me personally im a half pounder and chips man sometimes cheesy chips but it has to be a chargrilled half pounder yum yum yum sorry to here 9.30pm thats a bugger where you off on your hols? basil
  5. well whats everyone been upto today? finished work luch time went up the old mans picked up my new bonnet gas struts and fitted them this afternoon. now my car is looking good proper posh and tonight is takeaway yum yum. basil
  6. well ford cocked up didnt they, focus best selling car and they didnt bother if you could recommend and after market for remote start bear in mind start button inside car. always wanted one that properly started nothing worse than going outside in cold 15 minutes before hand at 5.30am with 2 keys start car lock outside lock on old car could do that. but this one you cant lock when engine running with remote and i aint fishing out blade from inside key either too much hassle have tried already barsetwards, so its all on your experience now for something else enlighten me basil
  7. hhmmm cake chocolate cake or golden syrup cake now thats a question? damn you @Pbsw23 its got my brain all a going now and @Veum its goto be the real thing ice cold with ice or not at all @Scary Hair with pets at home you get discount on any of goods? e.g. chincilla food? thought they might? @RileyLad ive just seen this mod and i want it 🤣 but i think is out my budget for the minute but have found the company that does it only took 2 hrs to track down only about $400 usd have a look does look cool but cant justify the money for that 🤒 basil
  8. @Scary Hair with you nice bit of choclate shortbread out of tesco bakery
  9. well @Pbsw23 you not doing the right gifs/vids and as you sound younger than me here is a good one below for you and @Robertm89 sunday was lovely sat on my backside and had a nice lazy sunday. basil
  10. perhaps we should change thread title piss heads of media psychos lol i'm with ukade, im a cider drinker myself have been having angry orchard which i discovered in america ice cold glass from freezer some ice, dicovered you can by in tescos back then and now get in asdas and sainsburys as well. if you haven't tried it @ukade2327 give it a go its lovely 👍 http://www.mysupermarket.co.uk/asda-compare-prices/Cider_And_Alcopops/Angry_Orchard_Cider_500ml.html?TrackingCode=AQAAAAE.qFmqsp5E_UKbxnzJ8O9luA also i would like to apolgise for my rant the other day, when the heat gets in me im not good, never have been in that respect. anyway went out visiting both sets of parents yesterday keeping an eye on them both with the heat. thank goodness for decent car aircon 15C NICE was 30C outside. anyway good job did visit both sets parents, both had fans but where up in lofts. jumped up there quickly got them down pluged in there working straight away in the morning as both sets olds its bit beyond them getting up there now really and they werent going to bother at there age (79) wasn't arguing with them either, it was done and i was happy. first time i been right over the old man he was then glad i had got it down afterwards lol. at least sunday is supposed to be cooler today down in the south today really feel for the french with 45c odd yesterday not good all the best basil
  11. fook me had a really sh1t day, they decided to turn on all the new air con in our old unit next door with the offices, problem is all the secondary (outside units) they decided to mount inside our workshop 3 off them as the site we are on won't allow them to hang on the outside wall. I then watched the temp go from 25c up to 31c in about 1hr been like it since 12pm we had all the roller doors open all day and the fire exit. fooking office staff none of them give a fook as long as there at a nice 18C and us in the workshop can cook had my own fan under desk which i bought going all day. spoke to md explaining issues asking if he could get a fan put in thru the roof to suck the heat directly out side from the 3units. he then asked where i was getting my info from about temp. i then had to point at 2 thermometers i had on my bench said he couldn't believe it was THAT hot(cheeky git) and then said I'll think about the roof fan extraction and ill let you know. wow do me a favour i think thats code for no we can spend £10000 doing up the office but you can fook yourself. love him try brazing units all day in that heat espically as its his office staff causing the issue! another office site there shutting down all move in monday great only another 8 cars to add where there are only 4 spaces as well. good job i start earlier than them. Thankgod tommorrow is friday hows everone elses day been? better than mine? basil
  12. count yourself lucky im down to my last £111 in my bank thank god pay day tommorrow might have something to do with a £2500 cc bill £1878 for this month rest carrys over. but £1450 of that was a five year warranty i was not counting on getting, but dont fancy a £6000 bill should i need a new engine later. Now crosses fingers it doesn't happen anti jinx 🤞 but swap bills if you fancy it, i ask the wife to swap bills after she moans about hers she then realises, hers are not that bad after all when she sees mine. but unfouranately its all necessary bills most of it. so count yourself lucky. now i just got to save and not spend anything i dont need for a while now 🤒 hopefully be straight by xmas basil
  13. lived in newcastle for 5 years as a kid moved there for my dads job, always remember going over tyne bridge looking down passing the tank factory down by river. and shopping was always done at huge saver center but was only a kid. but christmas's always best with few feet of snow and sledge time. god showing my age now that was 1980's some when shame about raffer think they will reget it in the end basil
  14. supposed to be 31c down south thurs and 33c in london according to weather last night
  15. lol @Scary Hair the dog, is it the kids or you losing it? well come 2 morro, im up stupid early as if going to work leaving about 6am to go do my IT duties at my uncles house up romford. hes somehow fooked up his puter a bit, good job hes got a nephew that comes fixes things anyway gives me a chance to give the kitt a good run out play with all my toys in it. and new mats are now it and they look fooking cool, glad i ponied up for them (good advice ann👍) also me uncle be out for lunch we have a good place we goto as well. also tonight me and missus having takeaway tonight its been a hard week (first thing she said as she walked in the door) anyway ann this me tommorrow in the dark basil
  16. is it me or is it quieting down abit in the english room? @Scary Hair what you think ? basil
  17. you lucky sod been stuck at work with not much to do and its been pissing down ALL day. and tommorrow got it all to again, good job got a paper this morning. guess ill be getting one in the morning. if only i could stay in bed
  18. @Veum reckon clutch cargo could be better lol but like the way mouths move whilst cartoon remains back in the day bet that was cutting edge. but have to confess never seen it before. now you have to find the follow on ep from one you just shown i want to know what happens basil
  19. you would sell a limited collectors edition for 1 missing ' true collector then yes its minor mistake but not the end of the world, i would suggest sit down calmly think about it again. larson has a point should have been picked up but in this case it hasn't. for me its a straight keep no question. @ksosk those goodies you did are out of this world now i have in hand even more impressed, make sure you keep up the good work 👍
  20. @Veum and @RileyLad hate to throw a spanner in the works think is actually mp emjois here not the ipad i have a asus gaming lappy with win7pro and also veum im seeing what your seeing with emjois on mp basically when i select emjois they are faces colourless and white ghosted thru and has always been this way. but sometimes after reloading the page they get filled in with colour e.g. yellow. I honestly think this is mp software issue and not the ipad at all. and i saw on my screen what you saw. but then when riley lad screenshoted it had filled in. the thing is also i only have this issue here on this site not on any other site i use. I've just learned to live with it. cos i think would be hell of an issue for @Masterblaster to track down and tbh its not end of the world. i would highly suggest checking other forums you on then realise its just here and do what i do, learn to live with it. i know its not ideal but it is what it is. hope this has helped explain it basil 😊😁😭
  21. my god man it was time you taught properly. only fools and horses run from 1981-2003 it is gold https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081912/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 would suggest you buy dvd version showing on the link has all 26discs plus all xmas specials etc some versions do not have every special as well. here is ebay link to said version so you know what to look for that one can be had for £27.50 (used) criminal really paid £100 new back in the day for mine but is really good fun. and hours and hours of entertainment https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Only-Fools-and-Horses-The-Complete-Collection-DVD-26-DISCS/273882470337?epid=59530745&hash=item3fc4aad7c1:g:pF4AAOSwdcNc~SE0 if you are into good comedy go get it basil

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