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Everything posted by extantsrevenge

  1. Group Buy here! Group Buy Participation List here (only accessible for participants of this GB). Release Topic Here. In this topic all the information concerning this GB will be posted. Here you will find payment requests and other Group Buy information from the MP Staff. The post is "locked" so only staff may post and once followed, you will not be inundated with notifications. So.... FOLLOW THIS TOPIC! To learn how to use the new group buy system, please check out: IMPORTANT : GB Participation Modification
  2. Group Buy here! Group Buy Participation List here (only accessible for participants of this GB). Release Topic Here. In this topic all the information concering this GB will be posted. If you have joined this GB make sure you follow this topic and keep an eye out for important information like when payment is starting. Any questions concerning this GB should be asked in this Topic. Please also tag the staff member/s in charge of the GB (see icons at the top of this post) when you have a question. To learn how to use the new group buy system, please check out: IMPORTANT : GB Participation Modification
  3. Hard to concentrate on this when your mind is still trying to process the unexpexted loss of a good friend. Looks kie the games yesterday have been horrible, not sure why no team can performe anymore. I have never seen a game day with so few points awarded, Dun fact, the 1 game I predict as a drwa is ending 2:3 but all other 3 games end in a draw...... 😫 @PRIAPISM collected 7 Points with 1 exact prediction and @Psycho Bunny had the only other correct prediction. Only 15 Psychos in total collected a few Points. It looks like the system has not yet updated the 2 last Group winners and allocated the points. @raylight do you know why? Today the Group phase is ending with the last 4 Games, now I wonder if they all end in a draw 🤬 Don't forget to enter your predictions @Gary K @Ultraviolence @Jamie123 @BlackWidow81 @pluto57 @Noir21 @JiumJium @aluna12 @mamaragan @exogenesis70 @Casiusco @pignatielloantony @Psycho Bunny
  4. Für die die es vielleicht noch nicht gesehen/gelesen haben, wir haben unseren guten Freund und Team Member @ukade2327 verloren. Wir haben hier einen Erinnerungs Topic. So traurig, bin noch dabei das zu verdauen.
  5. @raylight that is the same girl 😲 and I thought all those Beautyshots were real 😭
  6. Ich war auf der Tour auch gute 15 km am Strand entlangfahren, aber so ein Beutyshot ist mir nicht begegnet...
  7. Und hast du ein Exemplar für mich mitbestellt? Wo ich doch unterwegs war 😅 Ich hatte bevor ich los bin nur das Listing bei amazon gesehen, bei zavvi war da noch nichts zu finden, muss genau gekommen sein als ich los war. Natürlich verpasst 😢
  8. So Italy did also make a goal at the end like Germany 😅. Those big Teams do have some luck it seems. My predictions are getting worse, only 3 Points in 4 Games. @Movielover for winning the Game Day with 14 points and claiming 1st Place. @hal56 climed 17 places, @guri008 12 and @bl4ck5t3r and @raylight 10 👍 @R1s1ngs0n lost 1 more point in the direct competition with myself 😝 But my lead is only because of Bonus points 😪 Today we have 4 Games, get your predictions in @nerdist @BlackWidow81 @JiumJium @coupelle @mamaragan @exogenesis70 @Casiusco @RileyLad @Psycho Bunny. Will France and Great Britain deliver today?
  9. Guten Morgen Heute geht es schon raus
  10. My reaction to the German game simply horrible 😭 Impressive @bl4ck5t3r @Noir21 @guri008, how did you know they would be so bad that a draw would be the end 😲 I just see that the other Game was won by Hungary, when did they make that goal? I thought that ended 0:0 (but I stopped watching the second that bad German Game was done). I wonder if Spain will be better than Germany in the 3rd Game. Any insight @Noir21 @Casiusco ? @Cornbuster you have climed to a shared place 1, don't spoil @Gary K his Birthday, we should let him on #1 for today 😅. Thankfully no soccer for me until wednesday 🤣
  11. Guten Morgen Meine Reaktion auf das Spiel der Deutschen Mannschaft... Wieder, wie in den letzten Jahren 😭
  12. Wow, only took me until the last Game of the 2nd round to finally get a absolute correct predictions. Oh and the 2nd Bonus points which gave me my 3 points lead against @R1s1ngs0n back 🤣 @Ultraviolence winning Game Day 4 with 18 Points. Congrats @tigrou82 you moved 15 places up 👍 OMG @Gary K you took the lead. Today we will see which Teams will win Group A & B, don't forget to make your predictions @Jamie123 @Ultraviolence @BlackWidow81 @JiumJium @coupelle @BobaFett1974 @Zinco97 @aluna12 @RileyLad @Psycho Bunny I'm watching another Game today 😄
  13. Guten Morgen, Willkommen auf MP @ugule. Wenn du HUB Versand nimmst, geht deine GB Bestellung zu dem HUB (für dich in DE) und von dort zu dir. Wir listen keine Komplettpreise, da es wegen der unterschiedlichen Regionen zu aufwendig wäre. In den Release Topics steht (soweit bekannt), der Retail Preis, zu dem kommen dann noch die GB Fees, Transaktionsfees (wie z.B. Paypal Gebühren), die Versandkosten vom Retailer zum HUB, oder direkt zu dir (diese sind definitiv nicht zu vernachlässigen). Außerdem noch die VAT bedenken. Bei HUB Versand noch die Versandkosten vom HUB zu dir.
  14. with your Team? @Lwaz @R1s1ngs0n @bilbon @JojoFrance76 @cypheria078 @tigrou82 @coupelle I wanted some points 😅 Another bad prediction day for me at least I gained 1 point at @R1s1ngs0n and @Lwaz had a stumble with his predictions 😜 @Veum @PRIAPISM @Ultraviolence congratulations on 9 Points yesterday. @Psycho Bunny Watching the Portugal Game later today, I hope they do better than in the first one
  15. Guten Morgen Ja, schon wieder kein Sommer hier im Norden 😭
  16. OH 😲, die Preise sind wirklich hoch 😢 Kenne ich gar nicht, das sind dann also Skandinavische Editions, gerade gesehen, die sind auch bei imusic verfügbar. Ob die Rating Logos Sticker sind? Die haben auch noch 3 der UK Editions. Jetzt habe ich die Deutschen BS noch mal genau angesehen und die Steelbooks slbst haben alle die Original Titel, also ist überall nur der Pet Slip anders. Ich hatte ja alle Deutschen und die Englischen Vorbestellt und wollte noch abwarten. Muss ich mir jetzt überlegen ob ich das dann in der Sammlung ertragen kann mit Deutschen Titel auf dem Slip, aber Original Titel auf dem Steelbook.
  17. Gerade in meinen Account geschaut und die Vault sind noch da, aber Jaws 4 CE wurde cancelled.... ohne das ich benachrichtigt wurde. 3 konnte man aus Deutschland ja nicht ordern, aber 4 schon. Bei dem Artikel selbst, (wie bei den meisten Vault steht jetzt auch: This item cannot be dispatched to your selected delivery location. Please choose a different delivery location.). Was für ein Witz, also dürfen wir bald keine UK Editions mehr kaufen oder was? @Gentleman hatte man dir geschrieben?
  18. Wo gibt es denn sowas? Absolute Unverschämtheit. Bei mir noch nicht. Ich will die Teile mit Englischen Titeln, mal schauen was passiert.
  19. Ein paar neue reguläre Sachen Da ich Fan von Audrey Hepburn bin, habe ich angefangen, die Filme zusammenzusuchen, die ich noch nicht gesehen habe. Einiges gibt es nicht auf Disc, andere nur in bestimmten Ländern 😪, aus der 7 Filme Box, kenne ich 2 noch nicht.
  20. New regular arrivals Simply love Audrey Hepburn, so I'm currently searching Discs for Movies I have not yet seen. It is crazy that some of her movies have no release or can only be found in some countries.
  21. Some new regular arrivals Simply love Audrey Hepburn, so I'm currently searching Discs for Movies I have not yet seen. It is crazy that some of her movies have no release or can only be found in some countries.
  22. @CarbonizedMando I did not even know that the Copa America is also running, looks like they don't care in Europe about that, no news at all 😅. Anyway the event has already started and 1 Soccer Event is enough for me 😆. Awesome news @raylight, so it truely was your day ❤️ also you're on to something, not trusting this French dominance with the predictions. @Lwaz had 17 Points and won his 2nd Game day 😲. Then you noticed already @bilbon @R1s1ngs0n rise to prominence, it must have something to do with the stupid draws. How much did you guys offer the teams I mean 4 draws in 6 games 🤬 I smell a huge #Baguette conspiracy 🤣 But did you notice that our good @Psycho Bunny is almost last place, but that one is easy to explain. Look at the footage I found Anyway I'm not giving up and I will get some points today
  23. The Ranking 10 second before the Game ended and I was like my first perfect prediction and then

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