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Hollywood E Rock

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Everything posted by Hollywood E Rock

  1. 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰
  2. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Masculine MONDAY Good Morning Psychos! I hope everyone is doing well & ready to take on the new week! Here’s to everyone having a Marvelous Monday!
  3. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! Here’s to everyone having a Marvelous Monday, & a week filled with peace, prosperity, & premiums!
  4. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! Here’s to everyone having a Marvelous Monday, & a week filled with peace, prosperity, & premiums!
  5. Well the better movie catalogue comment is of course subjected to taste in movies. Manta Lab shines best with their releases that are not connected to a universe. Just the stand alone films like The Revenant, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Fight Club, La La Land, Ex Machina, Seven, The Shape of Water, The Greatest Showman, Us, Inglourious Basterds etc. These are all very good movies that have gotten very nice creative box sets from Manta Lab, & I believe it’s this catalogue of films plus a few others that make Manta Lab stand out from the rest of the premium retailers. I believe this is where they should focus their attention, on stand alone films because if you can’t guarantee consistency to us consumers then what’s the point? I agree with you Dodgy when it comes to franchise consistency HDZeta definitely can’t be beat when it comes to their DC releases. Their quality & design of sets are also top notch. I hear everyone else’s criticism of HDZeta’s WEA steelbooks & they are right on that front. When compared to other WEA steelbooks there is room for improvement, & HDZeta moving forward have announced better designs w/embossing debossing. But HDZeta isn’t just offering WEA steelbooks with their releases. They offer a whole box set that usually comes with a special pack that is unique to their company. Which I think is a great idea & helps make their One Clicks stand out as oppose to just offering another Slip edition that has the exact same content. Basically my whole point is both companies have their pros & cons. If you like the DC movies I believe it’s best to spend your money w/HDZeta, & whenever Manta Lab has a stand alone movie release in the pipeline it’s definitely money well spent to get yourself a copy. Unless you got money to blow & then you get everything from both companies no matter consistency, quality, sealed or opened 🤪.
  6. I Hope the news you & your wife are waiting on is good.
  7. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Satisfying Sunday Good Morning Psychos! I hope you all are feeling well today! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday & a great start to the new week!
  8. New Group Buy Open BIRDS OF PREY (CineMuseum Art #22) BEAUTY SHOTS
  9. New Group Buy Open BIRDS OF PREY (CineMuseum Art #22) BEAUTY SHOTS
  10. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! It’s the beginning of the week, the past is behind us, but there is a very bright future ahead of us! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday!
  11. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! It’s the beginning of the week, the past is behind us, but there is a very bright future ahead of us! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday!
  12. Joker had on that apron That said “Kiss the Cook”
  13. Of course you did, I’m convinced that this is an old video of you as a baby trying to purchase VHS tapes & betamax cassettes 😂😂
  14. No No this is the animated Joker & arguably the best representation of the character!
  15. @Robertm89 Looking good my friend, It would be nice if all movies with J Cards was packaged this way. That sticky glue junk that companies use on regular retail movies is terrible. Plus slipcovers have a better chance of not being damaged if they was covered in plastic.
  16. @Maksood Follow this thread so you will know when the current Group Buys open up & you won’t miss out on them.
  17. @Basil Pretty smart of you to have the cards sent to you. I hadn’t thought of that 😅 I told everyone I know gifts & cards are excommunicado this year! I’m not going out for no damn gifts & risk getting the Rona, RainCheck, RainCheck, RainCeheck. Now reading you post I realized I could still get at least cards sent out. People are spoiled my friend, & humans hate feeling controlled! A lot of people would rather risk their safety to feel free & a fake sense of normalcy then just be patient inside the damn house. If I’m not mistaken over here we have reached over 100,000 deaths & over 1million total cases, & people where protesting to have restaurants, parks, etc, etc opened back up. We are crazy!!! I also think the problem is that people honestly don’t take situations serious until it hits home. Over 300 million people live here & we have over 100,000 deaths spread out from state to state, city to city. Depending on where you live, the virus may not seem like a big deal so you don’t take it seriously. Reading & observing humans over the years I have come to realize that a lot of people don’t seem to understand anything outside of their small bubble. If you haven’t seen it, heard it, or experienced it for yourself or know someone who has then no matter what the situation, threat, or warning, it’s as fake as cartoons. When I was young & would watch apocalypse “end of the world” type movies & I would wonder how did the viruses spread so fast, & now seeing it in real life it makes prefect sense. People are stupid, they don’t mean to be stupid, but they are nonetheless. Just be as safe as you can my friend and hopefully this situation can be under control sooner than later.
  18. Something cool to watch for those of you who like unboxing videos.

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