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Hollywood E Rock

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Everything posted by Hollywood E Rock

  1. @RileyLad Mike is also That’s why he is looking for more product! 😂😂
  2. Politics isn’t good for your health my friend! Turn that $hit Off!
  3. I may have sprinkled a little bit of KimChi in my Tea this morning!
  4. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! It’s the beginning of the week, the past is behind us, but there is a very bright future ahead of us! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday!
  5. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! It’s the beginning of the week, the past is behind us, but there is a very bright future ahead of us! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday!
  6. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Satisfying Sunday Good Morning Psychos! I hope you all are feeling well today! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday & a great start to the new week!
  7. Hey @Parzival A little while ago you told me about the mistake made with Filmarena’s Fast & Furious release. I was able to purchase the replacement slip from the EBay seller you shared the link to. Now my set is right as rain! Thank You
  8. Hello @TAC I think you misunderstood @deckard99 he wasn’t using this emoji 🙄 directly at you, but more so to the whole situation of us all having to wait for releases this year. Of course you have the right to do as you please, but be clear that this situation is just a misunderstanding. Take Care Edward
  9. My post is literally right above yours. Pay attention 😂😂😂
  10. German Room I hope you all rest well.
  14. I definitely can relate, I talk with my girlfriend at least once a week about downsizing my other collectible items. I come to the same conclusion each time which is I don’t know which items to part with 😂. I assume this is what parents feel like when asked which of their children is the favorite 🤣. The future goal is to have our house built with a nice sized finished garage & that is where I would like to have the model cars set up. I found these picks on Pinterest for example Have the shelves built into the walls would be how I would like to do it. Erica jokes that with this idea our garage could end up being as big as the house if our travel vehicles & my model cars are supposed to fit 😂.
  15. Gentlemen! @Basil I agree number 2 does have a nice 🍑 My reaction when I first saw that pic was 😋
  16. @Catgirl My reaction to this news I kinda wish studios would have just pushed all the movies back to next year in the first place. All the constant rescheduling interferes in the excitement for releases. They wouldn’t have to worry about steady pushing films back if they just accepted in the beginning this is just a bad year for films & regroup for next year. This list so far is full of movies I would have never guessed would be considered for premium treatment. I’ll just wait & see what actually ends up being released before I fully give my opinion, because what companies plan for isn’t always what ends up seeing the light of day.
  17. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! I hope everyone is feeling good & doing good! Here’s to everyone enjoying a Sensational Saturday!
  18. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! I hope everyone is feeling good & doing good! Here’s to everyone enjoying a Sensational Saturday!

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