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Everything posted by Darkinoux

  1. Bonne journée à tous ! La mienne a bien commencé avec le déballage de mon colis HUB en provenance de chez @Benoit46. Merci pour cet envoi nickel 😁
  2. I know why I missed some, Even with the links it takes AGES to load with all these gifs 😂😂 so I did not really miss them because they weren't there when I scrolled 😢
  3. Yes I know but it was a few days ago 😅 I guess it's buried now 😂
  4. @Trianna did you get my Pm ? It looks like it was not open so I just want to make sure if was ok.
  5. And my 11 Manta editions for the 1st Stage Award
  6. Here are 12 Nova editions I'm a few short to get to 25 so I chose my 12 favorites
  7. Here's my collection for the 1st stage (16 éditions) I'm still missing a few to get to 25 but I'm working on it 😁
  8. Maybe it's different because it's linked to the Card. (I have a visa.) Or depending of countries? I have never used it on GBs and don't remember if it was an option but I don't see why it couldn't be possible.
  9. I've used it before when there were interest's fees but now it's even more interresing with 0% fees And you can pay it back when you want, you don't have to wait for the monthly payments.
  10. All this bunny hunting made me realise I never posted pics. Here are all my 14 Filmarena editions (one day I will reach 25 😜)
  11. Some placements were so funny 😆 Will we get to see all of them at the end to see which ones we missed?
  12. Ok I'm done. 2 sweeps of everything but some of the bigger ones managed to escape 😱
  13. My eyes are so blurry after seeing sooooo many gifs! And I still haven't found all of them 😭 I will need to re-check everything
  14. Salut @Benoit46 quand t'as un petit moment si tu peux me préparer un gros colis en R2 stp. Merci 😊
  15. Le GB lotr aujourd'hui Ma boîte mail Vous avez bien du courage pour arriver à gérer tout ça 🤣
  16. Ça dépend, d'abord étagères DC, Marvel ou Disney selon la place dans le meuble. (C'est la majorité des OC 🤣) Si j'en ai plusieurs avec les même acteurs je les mets ensemble aussi (Depp , Di Caprio, Pitt...) Pour le reste des films c'est par exclus Nova / kimchi/ Weet / Blufans etc Et les steels simples par genre : policiers, comédies etc Un vrai bazar organisé quoi 😂
  17. Invoice paid 🤩😳 Should we assume that it will be shipped soon then?

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