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Everything posted by Soundwave

  1. Thanks Ksok, I should be fine, just requested the Lenti on thread, but should I need help I will let you know I'll just put a bit aside between now & then. Thanks for the understanding though, really appreciate it Neil
  2. Thanks @ksosk much appreciated I get paid on the 15th so I might be ok but I might have to ask for a little extension on Waiting for payment lol Neil
  3. Hey guys, Sorry quick question but do we know roughly when payment would be required for this? Would love the Lenti but already a little overstretched this month so hoping it would be after payday in August Thanks Neil
  4. Took me by surprise when I got the invoice at the weekend...thought it was a bit further off yet lol Paid the first invoice Looking forward to that B1 Lenti, looks glorious. Shame the 3D & BD are looked bu then I already have those in the Zavvi version so it's the 4K I'm more interested in here 😍 Thanks again for organising guys...I love this site...my bank account however...not so happy 🤣🤣 Neil
  5. Thanks buddy Probably going to be too rich for my blood...need to save some pennies for whenever Blu Fans get their Captain Marvel & Endgame sets ready thanks again for the help Neil
  6. Hi all, Daft question but do we know a rough cost for this yet & I assume it includes the 4K movie as well? Sorry to be a bit thick but never seen one of these before & would like to get one but with other Group Buys & my other collectible hobbies I don't want to overstretch myself & then not be able to afford it. Thanks Neil
  7. Oh crap @Benoit46 seriously jealous of that one Was looking at him last night on Ebay I missed out on the original release but sorely tempted to get the IW version...he just looks so good Can't wait to see your pics. Congrats on another fine addition Neil
  8. @Benoit46 wow they are arriving thick & fast at the mo Congrats on the new pick ups Collection is looking amazing Neil
  9. Hi all, Just a quick one in case anybody is interested but EBAY UK today have a 10% of everything code (Maximum discount - £50.00) Just use code - PICKANY Trying to decide if I need anything now Neil
  10. Thanks @extantsrevenge Yeah Bill has been an absolute favourite character of mine for a long time. I have always been a big Thor fan but when I found out about Bill a few years back & got into hi back story & character as a whole he soon escalated to my favourite Marvel character & I have long since wanted this statue for my collection, so finding it at the show & for such a good price meant I had to snap him up XM Studios are also doing a new statue of him but sadly their prices are too much for my poor wallet these days I actually had a comic artist do me a commission piece for Beta Ray Bill on a blank Thor comic which I will get a picture of & post up. If you haven't read any Beta Ray Bill before I do recommend looking him up & having a read, he's a great addition to the Marvel Cosmic universe Also look out in Thor Ragnarok for the Easter Egg of him Thanks @ukade2327 Yep no feeling like finally ticking off a most wanted item. Lol oh there are plenty more I'd like...just my bank balance (And the wife) have something to say about that ?? Thanks again for the comments guys Neil
  11. Beautiful new get @Benoit46 Looked at that myself lately but been good & stayed away from that particular Marvel sized Rabbit hole & I don't really want to fall down it now I actually picked up a new addition to my collection this weekend at the London Film & Comic Con & the great thing is this piece is something of a holy grail for me & a piece I had been hunting for for years & I am over the moon that I managed to find it & for a fantastic price too. So here it is my Bowen Studios Beta Ray Bill statue I am so utterly chuffed with it & it will forever be one of my most cherished pieces now Neil
  12. That is beautiful I need to get me that Love Vampire Hunter D Didn't enjoy Bloodlust as much but still need it for the collection
  13. You're welcome The new pieces that HT have from Infinty War look amazing I swore for a long time that I would stay away from their Avengers as the line would simply never be done & every new film would bring new, better figures but I fear I may slip this time Thor is my favourite Marvel Character so I think it's about time I added him to my collection but I do miss the long hair look from earlier movies (Haven't seen Ragnarok or Infinity War yet so still haven't seen how the change happens) but the new sculpt from Infinity War is phenomenal The new Dr Strange that I saw yesterday looks unreal as well Neil
  14. Half Price???? WOW that's a score & a half, mega jealous Currently torn between a few Premium Formats on Sideshow at the moment but not sure which I want the most lol Thanks for the advice on the HT one...have a sneaking suspicion this might be my next HT purchase (Infinity War Thor also looking likely at the moment) He looks so good. Damn why is there so much great stuff but never enough money ? Great collection again buddy
  15. Wow @Benoit46that is simply glorious I would love a Prime1 piece but the prices are too much...finding it hard to justify getting another Premium Format at the moment let alone getting into them but he looks stunning I see you have the Hot Toys version. How is he? I have some Paypal money burning a hole in my account at the moment & I keep hovering over the buy button for him (amongst many other things I have my eye on ;) lol) Congrats again on the Bat & the entire collection...it's certainly VERY impressive Neil
  16. Hi Guys, Thanks for the welcome, happy to be here Will certainly get an introduction thread up shortly Looking forward to getting stuck in to the forums Neil

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