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Everything posted by Masterblaster

  1. Welcome to our new member fyr04@yahoo.com

  2. Welcome to our new member Nomod

  3. Welcome to our new member ourlordsauron

  4. Welcome to our new member Ruzik

  5. Welcome to our new member Scarymonstr

  6. Welcome to our new member Rrfgggg

  7. It is real easy to sign up for one of the Tiered Memberships. All of our Tier Memberships are in the Store and can be purchased there according to what you want. If you have problems finding them , please let me know and i can send you a direct link. Take care John
  8. Welcome to our new member Nguyen Truong Uy

    1. Nguyen Truong Uy

      Nguyen Truong Uy

      Thank you. I like to buy "Spotlight" Kimchi steelbook. Can anyone help me?

  9. Welcome to our new member onepiece218

  10. Welcome to our new member Habu71

  11. Yes we are in our yearly process of renewing the memberships as well as offering openings to new members. We did the Gold Members first,. We are now in the process of the Silver (until Thursday) after which time it will be open for the General Public (on MP) for anyone wanting to join the Tiered Memberships. Upgrading will depend on a few factors 1. What level do you want to upgrade to and from which level are you trying to upgrade from 2. Is there any opening spots in the level you want to upgrade to those being the 2 major factors . Take care John
  12. Welcome to our new member debbehhh

  13. Welcome to our new member haileyannn1234

  14. Welcome to our new member Nightman43

  15. Those are great choices i agree @airwins
  16. Welcome to our new member TaleOfGrief

  17. Welcome to our new member dnytle

  18. Welcome to our new member CaptMans

  19. Welcome to our new member Edgecube231

  20. Welcome to our new member Lexlumos

  21. Welcome to our new member Kratos

  22. Welcome to our new member TheLivingEnd

  23. Welcome to our new member Eggboy12

    1. Eggboy12


      Thanks Master blaster I look forward to some great releases

  24. Welcome to our new member vdevilou

  25. Hi mF, also diese sachen liegen uns immernoch sehr am herzen und wir arbeiten hoch tour auf eine Loesung ... da wir WOLLEN unsere Community helfen . Es ist nur schweriger da ein neuen Dev geschrieben werden muesste und daran arbeiten wir gerade noch. Ich denke noch ein paar Monaten (ja Monaten LOL) wird es dauern bis wir es in der Beta phase bringen koennen. Ein anderen moeglichkeit wird auch gesucht , aehnlich wie @Catgirl gesagt hat mit so eine seite (hier auf dem Forum) wo alles angezeigt wird mit stauts und soweiter... Wir schauen was die Zeit mit sich bringt ! LG John

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