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About Pythéas

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  1. Thanks everyone. I'll make a better presentation in english. I'm a 35 years old guy living in Marseille, France. I'm a DVD/bluray and record collector since my teenage years. Most of my records collection is old school metal music, but I'm collecting less records those years as I own most of what I'm interessed in, and lost the passion of discovering new bands. As my musical tastes, my cinema tastes are also old school, but I'm always curious to dig some recent gems. I especially love 60s and 70s Italian movies, from gialli to spaghetti western, and old school chinese wuxia movies. Last year, I started learning mandarin chinese, and I fell in love with that beautiful language. I started digging in modern continental chinese cinema and discovered tons of talented directors, and fascinating movies. I discovered this forum trying to dig some chinese blurays. See you !
  2. Bonjour et merci ! Je me suis inscrit pour essayer de trouver de belles éditions chinoises de films rares (Diskino notamment). Je vais voir comment fonctionnent ces achats groupés ! Bonne journée

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