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Posts posted by MirroredReality

  1. Hi! I'm MirroredReality!


    I'm relatively new to the whole physical media collecting scene. I've had a tiny collection for a while but it's begun to ramp up this year, starting with Criterion's release of The Grand Budapest Hotel, which I just had to have it, it's one of my favorite films.


    During Criterion's 50% off sale this past July, I got started on a real collection with:

    3 films I've seen and loved

    • Portrait of a Lady on Fire
    • Marriage Story
    • Tokyo Story

    And 6 I hadn't seen but really wanted to

    • Solaris
    • For All Mankind
    • The Princess Bride
    • Moonrise Kingdom
    • In The Mood For Love
    • A Brighter Summer Day

    Since then, I've watched In The Mood For Love and Moonrise Kingdom, the latter of which was great and the former of which absolutely blew me away.


    On the Criterion subreddit, I caught wind of the Steelbook subreddit. Steelbooks have always been in my periphery (my family has a couple Star Wars steels and some others I'm forgetting) but only once did I ever buy one myself, for the video game Thomas Was Alone. Love that game, and it's soundtrack. Saw it in Gamestop one day and immediately bought it (well, not immediately, but that's a story for another day).


    And it was either on the Steelbook subreddit or just googling around, I don't quite remember, that I happened upon this site! I was in search of a Her steelbook, another film I just absolutely adore. I had no idea about these communities when KimchiDVD released their edition way back when, but I've heard that MantaLab is gearing up for their own release, for which I'm super excited! Not wanting to miss out, I'm hoping to participate in the Group Buy for it when the time comes! Hopefully it isn't too hard on the wallet (though I'm probably going to get the one-click :P).


    I've also since found out about the Titans of Cult steelbook for 2001: A Space Odyssey, the first film that confused the hell out of me in the best way possible. Sadly missed out on the Zavvi sale but I secured one through FNAC! Very excited for that to arrive in September.


    I don't think I'll be getting a wall of Blu-Rays any time soon, but I'd love to get physical copies of all the films I love. Not standard releases, but special ones like Steelbooks and Criterions that give the films the beautiful physical manifestations that they deserve.


    Honestly, even after reading the introduction about the Group Buys, I'm still a little confused about the whole thing. I'm sure it'll clear up with time though!


    Happy to be here!


    just singin', iiiiiiin the raaaaaaiiiin

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