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Hollywood E Rock

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Everything posted by Hollywood E Rock

  1. Different era have nothing to do with it, there’s plenty of people of all ages who think the way you do. You are unwilling to see life outside of your comfort zone. If problems in our country don’t effect you personally then you don’t give a damn. If you do care you don’t act like it. You pass judgment on people you don’t completely understand, & you don’t care to understand them because somehow you are completely right even though no human on Earth is completely right about everything. What I don’t understand is how do you think you know you are right when you are not out on the streets actually talking with people, people that are different from you, with different backgrounds. You are in the house getting your news & you have said yourself news outlets can’t be completely trusted. But whatever it doesn’t matter because if I’ve learned anything from the movie “The Matrix” it is that everyone can’t be & don’t want to be unplugged.
  2. Not being able to pass a drug test doesn’t mean you are lazy & won’t handouts. America has issues with a lot of its citizens during drugs. Their are people from all different age brackets & wealth backgrounds that do drugs. Yeah, not only have you told me, but other mail workers have told me how hard the work is. This also doesn’t mean the people who quit are lazy & want handouts. Mail workers are mistreated & overworked. It takes a special person to stay & work in a $hit environment, & do a good job. No it isn’t! You act like this is the only time in our history that protest & violence has happened. This isn’t America’s first rodeo with these situations. So if we got pasted it before, what makes you think today is different? Who are you to tell over Americans when they should voice their cultural position? If you don’t care about the players who entertain you, then why should they care about you & how you feel? You mean to tell me that a God loving man cares about Football more than the actual people playing the sport? Do you hear yourself? Smh my friend I see you don’t get it. When I said the flag isn’t important, what I meant is the flag isn’t important to why people are taking a knee. They are not doing it because of the flag. Also Our Flag isn’t more important than the people it supposed to represent. The Flag is suppose to represents everyone. Furthermore you think you are the only person who has family in the arm services? You don’t think the football players have freedom fighters in their family also? And you really believe all the stuff happening in our country is over the flag?
  3. Well I was born in 86 so yes I am a millennial, but growing up I never realized I was apart of said Group 😅. The people I grow up around would always make fun of the group & I wasn’t treated different so I just assumed the millennial time frame started after I was born smh. I eventually learned better, & I also learned that the picture that is painted of people doesn’t always tell the whole story. Humans are complicated, & w/each day as I have grown older I realize that people are more than what is presented on the surface. I also have learned that there are people who benefit off others being small minded, stubborn, & dumbfounded to others complexities.
  4. The people of today are not lazy, they are just frustrated, angry, & don’t know how to properly deal with their issues because they have been lied to. People in our country are raised up with the idea that they can be anything they want to be as long as they work hard for it. This isn’t completely true, because there are millions of people who have busted their a$$ & have nothing to show for it. If you have spent most of your life working hard at a job & your boss doesn’t show you appreciation & you are living week to week because the job doesn’t pay enough then for a lot of people they lose the motivation to keep doing a good job. Also you got people who busted their a$$ went to school, graduate but can’t find work in the profession they went to school for. So then they have to spend most of there days doing a job they never wanted to do, but you need money to live. How are these people supposed to feel? No It’s Not 🙄 You are retired, which means you have a lot of time on your hands. Why don’t you take the time to learn about why people feel they need to protest during their work hours? You think players have spent all their lives training to play professional football just so they can protest for no reason? Don’t you think they would rather play than have to spend time bringing awareness to issues outside the field? The Flag isn’t important & nobody is taking a knee against the Flag. These situations that are going on right now in our country was never about the Flag.
  5. @Veum Being woke has nothing to do with professionalism. The real problem is that people are not motivated in doing a good job when they hate their work. There are different groups of people who exist in this world. The people who do a good job regardless of the circumstances, then there are people who don’t give a $hit because the work their doing doesn’t fulfill them in some way, & then of course there are people who are somewhere in the middle.
  6. @RAK I forgot about this movie, I’m at the theaters for this too. The damn humans was getting away with all kinds of shenanigans in the last movie. I can’t imagine the levels of unbelievable survival we will witness in this movie.
  7. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Satisfying Sunday Good Morning Psychos! I hope you all are feeling well today! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday & a great start to the new week!
  8. What a great reason to have Wonder Woman number one on your list Warner Brothers literally have a whole toy chest of the greatest villains & heroes and this is what they gave us. SMFH Damn near every character showcased in their universe has been mishandled in some way.
  9. Can’t lie, movie dates have been changed so much, I’m no longer sure what’s coming out this year. If they are still on the schedule Mulan, Tenet, Antebellum, The Conjuring 3, Candyman, Wonder Woman, Black Widow, No Time To Die, & Dune off the top of my head. Just to keep from stressing about it I haven’t bother to much with keeping up with release news. I always see headlines in my YouTube feed so that lets me know that stuff keeps getting rescheduled but I don’t bother to watch the videos.
  10. I wouldn’t call Shazam a bad movie, it’s just very bland. Watching the movie was like eating fresh pizza that had no flavor. It’s fresh, it’s pizza, but it doesn’t have any taste. I am looking forward in seeing how they use the character next, so I liked it enough to continue to be invested but I don’t ever have to watch the first movie again.
  11. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! It’s the beginning of the week, the past is behind us, but there is a very bright future ahead of us! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday!
  12. Same, I wasn’t aware until afterwards also. Thanks for sharing I will give it a watch.
  13. Here’s mine based off my opinion of them as good movies. Aquaman Man of Steel Wonder Woman Justice League Shazam BvS BOP SS Here’s my list based off how entertaining each movie is. Aquaman Justice League Wonder Woman Man of Steel I don’t give a $hit about the rest of them.
  14. @Fortis93 You’re a focused individual! I put Aquaman & Justice League over Man of Steel, even though I believe Man of Steel is a better made movie than Justice League, but I have fun watching JL despite its flaws. Man of Steel has grown on me over the years, because when I first saw it I thought it was good, but I was expecting great.
  15. It’s way better than Suicide Squad. SS was f#cking trash! Birds of Prey is Trash, but it isn’t f#cking trash!
  16. Well on the bright side Manta Lab’s release will look nice on the shelf. They haven’t half stepped in designing it, their beauty shots are nice.
  17. It sure wasn’t necessary, & I thought in the beginning a redemption angle was what they was going for, but that wasn’t the case at all. The movie was a little heavy handed with how it depicted toxicity between the male & female characters. When you are revealing characters who are not super popular it’s best to showcase their strengths & they miss the mark with Rosey’s character. I only plan to get HDZeta & that’s just for collector reasons. This movie is just okay to me & if not for HDZeta I wouldn’t own any copy.
  18. @Catgirl I don’t believe this set is coming with a Full Slip. Double Lenticular, Single Lenticular, & their Special Pack. Unless the Special Pack is what you are referring to, but that usually don’t come with a steelbook.
  19. That’s because the creators unnecessarily changed her character. In the comics & cartoon she is a solid likable women who is very capable & respected as a cop.
  20. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! It’s the beginning of the week, the past is behind us, but there is a very bright future ahead of us! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday!

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