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Hollywood E Rock

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Everything posted by Hollywood E Rock

  1. That was my reaction also to the news 😆
  2. No Time To Die was definitely my most anticipated movie of the year, followed by Tenet, & Black Widow. I’ve been waiting for Black Widow since Iron Man 2. I can’t believe it has taken this long for her movie. I thought at least there would be an Agents of Shield movie produced to highlight more of her backstory & Hawkeyes.
  3. Yep that's what I gathered from articles read on the subject, & eventhough I'm happy to have seen the film already I would have been fine waiting on this film also. Tenet isn't a cheap film, it's very risky releasing it under these conditions. Under normal circumstances a movie of that nature probably would have already made 500-600 million worldwide. With theaters being limited it may only make back its budget which is a shame.
  4. Those are two movies that I'm very excited to see. I hope they do well at the box office. I can honestly wait til next year when things are more settled. I'm not completely sure enough movie goers are ready to return to the theaters. I don't want the theater experience to die off so I'm fine with waiting more to insure these big budget movies are able to turn a profit.
  5. Everybody needs to call & order them one before it sales out!
  6. You may be right considering the situation is between a Sloth Lord, & a human woman. The details may cross that line of to weird, even for this site 🤣🤣
  7. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! Here’s to everyone having a Marvelous Monday, & a week filled with peace, prosperity, & premiums!
  8. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Masculine MONDAY Good Morning Psychos! I hope everyone is doing well & ready to take on the new week! Here’s to everyone having a Marvelous Monday!
  9. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! Here’s to everyone having a Marvelous Monday, & a week filled with peace, prosperity, & premiums!
  10. @xSNAKExPLISSKENx I’m responding to you here because this area is more appropriate. I believe some of the reasons you see a backlash to change is because of the excursion (steps taken) to achieve change. Reading others comments what I’m seeing is a lot of either misinformed or uninformed people defending themselves from what seems like an attack on their identity. A lot of confusion could be fixed if more sensible conversations between different groups was had, & if people took real time out to understand history & all it’s complexities on the people effected. That takes real time & effort per individual & most people would rather just give their opinions on subjects simply based off how topics make them feel & their small point of view on the world.
  11. Glad to hear you had a safe & enjoyable trip, & I definitely understand how you feel about it being over far to fast. I always feel that way either after a trip or with nice 3 day weekends from work.
  12. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! It’s the beginning of the week, the past is behind us, but there is a very bright future ahead of us! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday!
  13. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! It’s the beginning of the week, the past is behind us, but there is a very bright future ahead of us! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday!
  14. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY Satisfying Sunday Good Morning Psychos! I hope you all are feeling well today! Here’s to everyone having a Soothing Sunday & a great start to the new week!
  15. Maniac Boxes for each Bond franchise could really be cool with all the slips for each movie XL style!
  16. I was sleep when these Beauty Shots was shared. With there other DC releases one of the full slips was done in a Comic Book style art. Why didn't they continue with that concept? For me this has just become one of the most disappointing & unless releases of the year.
  17. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! I hope everyone is feeling good & doing good! Here’s to everyone enjoying a Sensational Saturday!
  18. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY SEXY Saturday Good Morning Psychos! I hope everyone is feeling good & doing good! Here’s to everyone enjoying a Sensational Saturday!
  19. Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before. Psychos HAPpY Good Morning Psychos! I hope everyone is feeling good & doing good! Here’s to everyone enjoying a Sensational Saturday!

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