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A little frenchie in the family


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Hi there ^^


First of all my english is not so goodl so forgive me ;)


I discover the steelbook totally by chance thanks to my passion for comic books i read comics since i'm 15 years old i'm now 36 years old i let you do the mat ;)

Since then i regulary buy steelbook not only for comics movie but also for other type of movie including most of the time actor and actress i like for exemple : Bruce Willis ; Sylvester Stallone ; Uma Thurman ; Samuel.l.Jackson I pass as it and as others . Few monthe ago during a random conversation with a friend of mine i learn that some "deluxe" édition exist and I begin has to inform me about how i could obtaining them ? Since then i gain 6 of this édition including Nova medi a of "Pulp fiction" and "Reservoir dogs" and i think that I am not going to stop in so good way😀


I'am also a funko pop collector and a lego enthousiast since four years now and i make diorama on the super heros from DC and Marvel , even if I have a preference for DC thanks Batman to rock my childhood with "Batman the animated serie" :)


I'm also a manga collectors since i begin i got three thousand and my collection continues to grow , as whell of my steelbook collection enriched with a lot more of marvel and dc film .


Thanks for your time 🙃

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Hi @GANTZ thanks for the introduction, you found the right place for everything connected to movies, lots of premium releases for you to discover.

I also collect comics for a very long time and I like Manga a lot as well. 3000 that sound gigantic 😳 you must buy many different genres to get that amount. What is your favorite Manga, mine would be Nausicaä, Berserk, Akira, Monster, 20th Century Boys and more 😊, I also love Anime a lot.


I hope you enjoy your time with us.

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I collect them since 22 years and it's gigantig indeed 😃 I got a room only for them and my funko pops , I buy actually different kind of manga i have tastes eclectic.

My favourite manga are Gunnm ; Berserk ; One Piece great teacher onizuka and many more it's very difficult to classified them 😋 In anime Akira got my preference it's a classic and also the first anime i watch when i was a kid 😮

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