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A Bittersweet Life [BUDBLU Exclusive BBE #001] (WEA Blu-ray Steelbook) [Korea]


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17 minutes ago, Ryan said:



What's up with this company? just found this movie and ordered an edition. 

I have one of the editions too. I have no info on any future release. It looks like this release was not successful enough, so they are not doing another one 😟

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On 9/9/2021 at 6:57 AM, extantsrevenge said:

I have one of the editions too. I have no info on any future release. It looks like this release was not successful enough, so they are not doing another one 😟


It's a pity.


I didn't like the design very much, I think that this film -on an aesthetic level- could have gone further, or have been defined in a more elegant and appropriate way, which generated more hype; but even so, they made a great effort, it's a generous edition, and I bought it anyway.


And I'm very happy with it. 

Probably the best option for this film.


It's not perfect, but it is a very good edition, which would have deserved better sales. Seeing how long it was still available was not a good sign. And more with a movie that has its fans.


In fact, it's an irony that other editions -maybe- worse and less generous were sold out.


But these things happen.


It's a pity, they probably made a great effort; and that they had not tried at least a few more titles, or trying to strengthen their brand, is not a good sign of how this release was received in the market.



PS: By the way, does anyone know of a protective cover that fits its size?


Edited by Casiusco
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3 hours ago, Casiusco said:


It's a pity.


I didn't like the design very much, I think that this film -on an aesthetic level- could have gone further, or have been defined in a more elegant and appropriate way, which generated more hype; but even so, they made a great effort, it's a generous edition, and I bought it anyway.


And I'm very happy with it. 

Probably the best option for this film.


It's not perfect, but it is a very good edition, which would have deserved better sales. Seeing how long it was still available was not a good sign. And more with a movie that has its fans.


In fact, it's an irony that other editions -maybe- worse and less generous were sold out.


But these things happen.


It's a pity, they probably made a great effort; and that they had not tried at least a few more titles, or trying to strengthen their brand, is not a good sign of how this release was received in the market.



PS: By the way, does anyone know of a protective cover that fits its size?


Yea it is a pity I've been diving into foreign films lately and I've just been blown away. Recently watched first love by takashi miike and was trying to find a nice addition of that but havnt found one. Would love to see more premium foreign films. Also these editions are still available on there site, it's a dang shame. Though I haven't recieved my copy yet it looks to be the size of a uhd club edition, specifically the prestige, but there are no protectors for those so I doubt you will find one for this.

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