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raylight's collectibles

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Hello everyone,


I'm going to show you step by step some pics from my movie collectibles, figures and other stuff.

Part 1: Predator figures


In my living room I have some unused shelves so I put there my figures from the "Predator" movies. I like these Neca figures. They are about 18-21cm in height and good in detail for a fair price (about 30 EUR). If I had more space... ?


So here are some pics.









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Part 2: Terminator figures (Neca) and Star Wars figures (Kotobukiya 1/10)


I found some other places to put some figures on...so I placed "Terminator" on one sideboard. My Star Wars figures from Kotobukiya need a special place. They went on the lowboard under the TV. Perfect ! I love them ! But they are also very expensive in my opinion. Hope some one can give me a tip where to buy cheaper. ?













Edited by raylight
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Jo, dieses Forum "fluppt wie Schmitz' Katze". Wirkt insgesamt ziemlich professionell. Respekt ! Jetzt stehe ich vor dem Problem, dass ich nciht unbedingt immer in zwei Foren voll aktiv sein möchte mit all den Uploads etc. Wird viel Zeit kosten, aber ich möchte "beblu" nicht links liegen lassen. Mal sehen, wie ich den Spagat hinbekomme. Was GB's angeht, bin ich hier sicherlich an der richtigen Stelle und Quelle. Wahnsinn, was die hier auf die Beine gestellt haben. Allerdings auch wieder das Problem: viele User, viele Requests = sinkende Chancen an ein Release ranzukommen. *seufz*


Freue mich aber, dass Du hier gelandet bist. Denke hier kannst Du prima die SB's aufziehen. Wirkt alles sehr durchdacht und aufgeräumt hier. *Daumen hoch*

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vor 21 Stunden schrieb Admiral Thrawn:

@raylight wer weiss, vielleicht benötigst du irgendwann keinen Spagat mehr 1f609.png

Schöne Figuren hast du, gerade die Koto von Star Wars hab ich fast alle auch 1f61b.png

Sarah Connor ist cool von Neca, die hab ich nicht, bestimmt teuer gewesen, oder?

 Wirst lachen, das kann ich gar nicht sagen, da ich die Figur von meinem Bruder geschenkt bekommen habe. Der ist was solche Sachen angeht ein echter Indiana Jones. Keine Ahnung, wo er die Sachen imer auftreibt. Eben habe ich gerade zwei Kartons Star Wars Figuren geöffnet. Die hat er wohl in den Staaten geordert und waren trotz Versand und Zoll biolliger als hier im Laden. Coole Sache ! Fotos davon mache ich die Tage wenn geklärt ist, wer welche Figuren bekommt. *g*


Die Koto's sind schon echt gut, nur halt zu teuer und leider auch immer so schnell ausverkauft. Höhe Stückzahl und Preis so 40-50 Euro, dann hätte ich wahrscheinlich mehr davon. *seufz*

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Got some "new friends" and also some pics of my colleagues watching TV with me. ?


1. new  Star Wars figures:

- Snoke

- Kylo Ren

- Finn (Jakku)

- Imperial Death Trooper

- Sergeant Jyn Erso

- Captain Phasma

- Resistance Tech Rose

- 2x First Order Stormtrooper

- Rey (Jakku)


2. my "TV colleagues"

- Bitzer (from Shaun the sheep)

- Yeti (Nichtlustig.de) and his two friends


3. Predator Money Box (Zavvi.uk)

4. Kyle (Despicable Me)

5. Minion with sheeps and snail

6. Dori and some friends

7. Zoomania figures

8. Minions ( I love them. They are like me...loyal, helpful and friendly..but also stupid and making nonsense *g*)

9. Terminator, Lara Croft, Star Wars and Warcraft figures

10. Yoda standup

































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  • 7 months later...

Yes, thats it. But the studios keep waiting and waiting and waiting...to release these titles. 😞 I don't understand why the "old" Star Wars episodes don't get e release as steelbook. What are the studios waiting for ? Wait until the format Blu-ray is out of scope ?!? 😬 I cannot understand this. Hope Blufans or others will get permission to release a cool steelbook from these episodes soon. *crossing fingers*

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...
vor 11 Stunden schrieb Veum:

Oh my dear friend @raylight you have such beautiful editions and very nicely displayed, enjoy!😊


You really enjoy Star Wars I see, are you going to get this, I’ve pre-ordered it today from Best Buy? 🤔



Hello Mike my friend, sorry I totally forgot to answer your question about "Braveheart". You'll get a response soon, I promise. :)


And yes, I want that Star Wars collection but...I'm still thinking about where to buy. It seems that this edition will be WWA becuase its also available at amazon.co.uk. But since the Uk left the EU, I'm not sure about tax situation etc. because this item costs over 150 EUR. Lets see where I can get it. And now I've to think about my collection thread. A long time ago I made an update...perhaps I start a new one whichis better structured.

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  • ★ Administrators ★
On 2/14/2020 at 3:07 PM, raylight said:

And yes, I want that Star Wars collection but...I'm still thinking about where to buy. It seems that this edition will be WWA becuase its also available at amazon.co.uk. But since the Uk left the EU, I'm not sure about tax situation etc. because this item costs over 150 EUR. Lets see where I can get it. And now I've to think about my collection thread. A long time ago I made an update...perhaps I start a new one whichis better structured.

Until the end of the year all good, after that nobody knows 🤣. I ordered in the UK as we sadly don't have that set yet here.

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