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How many IMDb Top 250 movies have you watched?


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Hi everyone, for some time now I've been rating every movie I watch on IMDb and have been trying to (eventually) watch all of the IMDb Top 250 rated movies. I'm curious if other people also use IMDb to keep track of what they've watched and how many of the Top 250 they've seen.


The IMDb top 250 list (desktop version) shows how many films you've watched on the right hand column (if you're logged in and rate films using the site).


I'll go first:








So I'm still probably several years off completing it 😆

Edited by Sidewinder
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Nice topic @Sidewinder, I use IMDb for 18 years now 😱 when I found the site one of the first things I did was to start getting the Top 250 done. I actually completed the task for many years 2003-2015.



After that more and more foreign movies from India and Turkey have found their way to the list and these are not that easy to find (so I have not really tried in the last few years). Also the list is getting worse I my eyes. Many great movies are dropping or vanish completely while a lot of "hot of the moment" stuff is entering. I think it has to do with the fact that some older movies are forgotten and not voted for as much as new movies.


Anyway my count is still really good




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An interesting post.


I just realized that I have really important films waiting to be seen, in some cases I have even bought without seeing them ..., others I have not voted because I saw them so long ago that I could not make a reliable and rigorous vote.


And I also have several Indian films pending, some Asian cartoon films too.

You Have Seen

203/250 (81%)


Still, it's true that it's a list that today is unreliable. Reviewing it quickly, several sacrileges are detected. Monumental and transcendent films in the history of Cinema surpassed by the hit of the moment, or by current not-trascendente films but with a large horde of fans. Or films that have had a great influence on the cinema and that are not even there.


But it's normal, and it is respectable, it's a reflection of what there is today. Maybe over the years the "old" movies will continue to disappear, filling the list with hits of the moment. Yes, it will happen.


I really like IMDB, but I think that the rates should be "reinterpreted" by each one, according to their own criteria and interests, just as prices are updated to compare some periods and others. There are too many "distortions" for the list to be taken literally, as is.


IMDB should make a parallel list, with mathematical weights that group a series of criteria in terms of having seen a certain variety and quantity of cinema. It would be curious to have your results, and compare them with this list.


Although in the end, for me the true problem with this type of list, on IMDB and elsewhere, is that people don't distinguish between a movie being good, and a movie they like. And no, it's not the same.



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Wow nice selection of Top 250 badges @extantsrevenge! 😲 


Yes I agree with what you're saying, I certainly want to also try and complete the historical lists and enjoy some more of those older great movies you mention have dropped off lately.


You also have a great percentage there @Casiusco! You're right I can also see several films on the list which are primarily there due to their popularity. You raise some interesting points about the list, I agree it's not perfect, but it's one of the best lists I've found to be a fairly reliable indicator of great films to watch.


Thank you both for sharing! 🙂

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