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TV Series You Wish Would End, Already: *


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TV Series You Wish Would End, Already;

* (so you can buy the whole series finally!)  🥳


These are series that are still running, so not those already completed and available on Blu;


My personal choices (so far);

- The Witcher: Yeah, I know it's only just beginning season 2 but after falling in love with both the Games and the Books I'm quite looking forward to this. 🙂

- Vikings: Okay, I'm getting really impatient here. I want this yesterday....

- Westworld: I think I have a bit of a wait ahead of me for this also, as they are still in season 3... ( I may break down and buy the seasons)

- Mandalorian: From what I've heard, this is turning out better than the films did....another long wait I fear.

- Rick & Morty: well, this show may outlive me so perhaps I'll just binge watch as opportunity happens.

- Dark: (German); a strange but engrossing show that with 2 seasons down is signed up for 3 more. Strong "Outer Limits" vibe to this lesser known thriller.

- Stranger Things: Don't know how long they can run this for but I'm ready to buy the day they stop.

- The Exorcist (2016-'18): Okay it's done and all we've got is 2 seasons ON DVD!!! wazzup?

- Vinland Saga (Anime): Another that just started (2019) but with this I'm not waiting, buying each season as launched. Get On With It!!! 🙃

- Supernatural: heh, main reason I created this list. I've heard that the 15th is the final season. I'll be buying the set the day it launches.


There's of course a lot more but for someone who does not watch television, these are stand-outs to me.

I'd love to hear of other folk's choices of course. Hopefully you'll list one I'll be tempted to put on my list. 🤩

Edited by Grendel
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