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Everything posted by DMD4k

  1. So 1 leather size and 2 wooden sizes? I had understood you meant 3 wooden sizes. And am I correct in thinking the 1 leather size is the same size as the smaller of the wooden sizes? Thanks for confirming.
  2. Which editions have this third size? Are all leather editions the same size?
  3. Any update on this @ksosk ? Do you think they will they be available to ship with Schindler's?
  4. Great job again ksosk . Will these fit the wooden editions or are you still working on those?
  5. Just my 0.02 I vote for Design 2. I don't think the vertical title on type A and type B front cover helps either. I also think the art on Design 1 type B looks "switched", it should be bee's face on the front, and the sunset image on the back, not that other way. Although I understand that could be intentional so people that buy type A & B can form Bee's full face. But it still looks odd to me.
  6. The whole thing looks awesome ksosk. Any update on release date? Did UHD receive the discs yet? That was the last hurdle I read about.
  7. Thank you ksosk. That's great news. Now if only I knew about RPO.
  8. Are these stocked in every hub? Could I buy several of these and have them shipped along with whatever steels are waiting for me at the hub? Or do these have to be shipped in advance to the hub? Thanks.
  9. Ksosk has really gone the extra mile with the bonus passport and list. It looks great. Thanks @ksosk
  10. That is super nice, I can just picture this in person, heavily glossed. It should look stunning. Fingers crossed it gets approved!!
  11. That’s great news. It’s going to be a little more work but thank you.
  12. That certainly speaks very highly of uhd club’s work. I can’t wait to receive my first. I have been very tempted, twice, to go for GITS, it’s a beauty of an edition. I end up convincing myself I don’t need to double dip. Matrix, however, is a different story:)
  13. So would it be fair to say UHD Club have created a new tier? Ultra premium retailer?
  14. Go big or go home should be UHD's motto. That leather better be from China's finest tannery.
  15. Now that's what I'm talking about!!! IIRC we weren't all that excited for the trilogy. I was, so now just sit back and relax ???

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