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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by HunterRose

  1. Now Zavvi have updated their listings and are calling them steelbooks in both title and description.....who the hell knows at this point https://www.zavvi.com/blu-ray/the-dark-knight-ultimate-collector-s-edition-4k-ultra-hd-steelbook/13694527.html
  2. hmm, will a steelbook fit well in that silpcase? I may go that route because I love that artwork. Anyone know where I could order this edition from?
  3. Hoping part of the delay is that they're waiting on 4k? One can dream. In the meantime i'll be enjoying this tasty burger.
  4. Yeah, I've got the Mondo steel for it, which I'm very happy with, but would like a premium if new ones drop at some point...but yeah, I can't drop $400+ for that Blufans lenti
  5. Too rich for my blood, so have always been hoping for a new one to pop up.
  6. It's the Italian steel....I missed out on the UK version, and thought this was a better match for the T2 steel
  7. @extantsrevenge Oooh, I want to get in on this....finally something I over qualify for...here's enough to get 1st stage! thanks!!
  8. well stop using inappropriate language. think i may have to find someone to do a custom steelbook with this artwork.
  9. Alrighty @extantsrevenge, gotta get USA another point... here's my 50 (51) for consideration...have a few others if any of these don't qualify.
  10. Excited for this one. Does anyone have any info on which color grade this will be based on? I'm assuming they'll be doing a new grade for HDR/DolbyVision, but curious if it will be closer to the Scream Factory Blu or the Arrow Blu in terms of color. Haven't been able to find any info...maybe a bit too early to know.
  11. I do, I have an extensive Grendel comic collection...have been lucky enough to get some original pages/covers/commissions as well over the years. Have been a fan for many years.
  12. I don't have nearly as impressive of a collection as most of you folks, but I've only been collecting premiums for less than a year. Here's my stab at the full slip award..not sure if all of these count, but throwing extras out there in case some plain editions don't qualify.

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