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  1. Ordered premium box direct too. Ive just seen this posted on FB. Some interesting info
  2. Really looking forward to this release!. Didn't realise there were three choices. The 4k collectors box, 4k edition and blu ray edition. The steelbook looks very nice indeed Steelbook videos below from Plain archives instagram
  3. The human mother box looks pretty disappointing to me. The beauty shots below showed it as having a textured bronze appearance, but the new live shots have a more low rent yellow plastic look?
  4. Yep, I put loads of editions in a watch list to see the final prices. Its only things like TG FAC, Blade runner manta dl and LOTR HDZETA that are more on ebay
  5. Ebay has been considerably cheaper for most releases over the last few months. Hdzeta, weet, manta, FAC etc £30-60 etc
  6. Ok, Im really confused by whats going on with this membership renewal! Is it correct that we just wait for John to send us a message with an invitation to a tier? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi @ksosk, Have you got any new information on the Inception lenti mistakes? Cheers
  8. So it seems the character lentis all have errors on them. Each character has Tom Hardys character name printed underneath them instead of their own.... @ksosk can anything be done to correct this?
  9. Was wondering why all the characters had the forger underneath them on the lentis myself. Thought it was so long since i saw the film i must have forgotten something!
  10. Just found this guy trying to sneak in....
  11. This is a great looking release! The plus points for me are: .The wooden outer box is beautiful. .The booklet has text which is something I always appreciate. I want information on the movies I love. .The internal lenticular on a stand is a great idea Negatives: . The o ring slip inside. It would have been so much better in a quality full slip . The potato 🥔 cam and odd angles! A contender for a Razzie award winning unboxing video! Anyone know /guess the price of this yet? The normal UHD Club hard boxes ( Gladiator, Dunkirk) are £100/$132 a piece....
  12. There is still another box to be unveiled I believe. The Blade Runner display box for both editions like the Matrix trilogy box. From what Ive understood thats coming in a little while and these black boxes are the protective cases for the individual wooden editions ? Does that sound right?
  13. Still available at Warner bros shop UK for £89.99 . Use WELCOME code with a new email address. It only works for your first purchase.

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