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Everything posted by Magnifly

  1. Je ferais ça demain soit dans l'après midi soit en fin de journée
  2. You think i can put the 3 ver. in my signature? 😅😆
  3. C'est le truc avec le musée je sais plus quoi ?!
  4. I love the concept Can you just maybe if you've time, edit the font nickame, and it'll be perfect
  5. Ils savent pas m'envoyer des trucs sans utiliser des voleurs ou des incompétents
  6. Interdit de boire quelque chose sorti du sac hein 😛
  7. Il y a que j'en ai marre d'Amazon en fait...
  8. Enjoy with the movie then @Grendel I'll have the Blu-Ray soon, in few days ^^ I'll watch it this week hehe Oh yeah, could be good 🙂
  9. In the new serie, i'll say David Tennant or the War Doctor. @Grendel ❤️ @Veum SGU 😢
  10. Yes, for the Mondo, was so hard to find at a reasonnable price... So expensive I don't specially like Mondo Blu-Ray except some like Ex Machina or Toy Story. Yes, it's a LaserDisc :). Of course, it's Chungking Express. I tried to get the Criterion Collection release... But too much expansive 😢 Pics here? Hum, it depends in fact. Here, it was because i really like the movie
  11. Et visuellement parlant les VFX était pas si mal non plus Faut dire que tout le monde maintenant s'attends à du gros bourrin à la Avengers où t'as tout qui pète de partout donc... Dès que c'est un peu mou... On n'aime pas
  12. Hi @goose_3387, I saw that you were making very cool banners and wanted to ask you if you could make a banner for me, if you've time of course . I don't have a specific idea of what i want, but, my favorite themes are: Stargate, Doctor Who, Killjoys in TV shows and all sci-fi related. Many Thanks.

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