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Everything posted by WesternBronco

  1. And, of course, it sold out while I was in the process of paying for it... I got Loki but not WandaVision in 4k. I'm sure Disney/BB will increase the orders to keep up!
  2. I decided to hedge my bets and bought the blu-ray. When the 4k opens up again then I can cancel it:).
  3. Same here. It's the same for WandaVision. I'll keep reloading the pages! Lol.
  4. What an absolutely horrifying thought! That possibility never occurred to me. UGH! To get the disks, I'd have bought the steelbooks even if they were in the 100 style. I might have covered them in a brown paper bag though. LOL.
  5. Likewise! Then again, I didn't really like the 50s black and white aspect of the art style. I want Agatha, fights and action! LOL.
  6. And, of course, the Manta Lab groupbuy is closed... When there is now an actual reason to buy it. LOL
  7. I'd want the opposite! LOL. Bilbo and Smaug on the front and Bilbo and Erebor on the back.
  8. P.S. Anyone know when BS for the art prints and other goodies that come with the box will be released?
  9. I really should be not complain and want a different choice on covers! I just might get it... In general I much prefer the Track B versions. The odds of my killing my PayPal credit just went up big time. Yikes! I assume the GB dropdown would give us 6 options? Are there 150 copies of each version?
  10. Good point! This is a pointed comment on "be careful what you wish for!" I wanted Smaug on the cover. Now it does. Oh dear!
  11. I really like the cover where Bard confronts Smaug flying toward him. I prefer Bilbo and Smaug though:). I'd take either option though.
  12. I completely agree. Smaug is one of the most memorable characters in literature or cinema 😄.
  13. Well shoot! I wanted Smaug on the cover:(. He's the reason the Hobbit is one of my favorite movies!
  14. My preliminary conclusion is to wait and see. I am dubious at best. Cool art but my favorite parts in the series is when reality begins to intrude, not the old television scenes. I really like the OC cover art!
  15. I had the same issue. You will need to wait until the renewal period comes up. I can't remember the dates. Then you can sign up. Now that the premium studios are active again I suspect platinum turnover will be small so you will probably need to get gold. Gold members would get first priority for Platinum openings.

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