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Everything posted by malkorgan

  1. Hey @ksosk, now It is time to produce a fitting plastic protector box to keep this 2001 WCL exclusive edition safely in our homes! Please give us fans update about It 😉
  2. My God! This Edition is "full of stars"! Arrived Today! Amazed! Pure Joy!
  3. can't wait to get mine! When will we receive the next bill from the hub? I just can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
  4. Wow @ksosk!!!! Now It's also time to produce a proper plastic protector case for this release!
  5. @ksosk you should make a similar protector product for 2001 a space odissey WCL exclusive! Please think about It! 😍
  6. Ok @ksosk, how is it going? What's next for we that joined the groupby? I just can't wait to have more News :-)
  7. Thank you @ksosk, @Masterblaster and MP staff all, this is Just going to be the most Amazing GB ever!!!
  8. can some of the moderators / administrators send me a private message to have an idea of the total price amount of it including shipping and customs to italy rome (extimation please)? I am seriously thinking of being the next one to add this GB but please help me gaining some more additional information, I read the rules but didn't catch the process very well (my limit sorry). Moreover, will there be a tracking number to use to track delivery status once shipped? THanks in advance to the MP staff that will answer my questions :-)

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