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Everything posted by stanleydobson

  1. https://youtu.be/gGQg_zSr6LY German unboxing DRIVE Limited Edition 4K UHD unboxing https://youtu.be/gGQg_zSr6LY
  2. How? They wrote preorder is in april and i couldnt klick it too
  3. Nieder olm rheinland pfalz (Foto copyright euroluftbild.de/Werner Riehm)
  4. Nö ich hab keine münzen und kein mediapsycho umschlag damals hatte ich das extrazeug auch bei vielen editionen dabei
  5. I am still waiting, but i am fine. finally its another peace for the biggest drive collection 😂
  6. Yeah thats the point i dont like labels which announce title and title and title and then ...nothing happens in this case, like you did say, we are lucky with that group buynthst we didnt pay anything actually....if we had ordered at CM, money would be freeze
  7. Its simple...if they say release december, the people want it in december, not 1 year later...
  8. At the beginning they were good, shipping exactly to release, but then they announced more and more and every time delay
  9. It will be my last edition from cinemmuseum, this is not normal
  10. Unboxing Blade Runner UHD Club UC 13 Holzbox Wooden Case | Blade Runner Final Cut http:// https://youtu.be/pdHtVX8PD04
  11. Great release, prefer it blade runner > blader runner 2049 in my opinion its the better on
  12. I forgot this Unboxing the Blade Runner 2049 UHD CLUB Edition https://youtu.be/g1kvNw5uOKI
  13. I forgot this Unboxing the Blade Runner 2049 UHD CLUB Edition https://youtu.be/g1kvNw5uOKI
  14. Thanks but this shouldnt happend... the card could be fixed on outer package or lay inside, but to clue this on this box!? Wow...
  15. Dudes...WTF? Who decides to put a doube side clue tape on this super sensible edition to clue the limited edition card on it? This box is super high sensible for finger prints and dust, and someone puts clue on it???? How i get this down without damage to the box or the print? Sorry this really sucks

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