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Everything posted by Darnoc

  1. ^happens more often than not with wcl/mlife
  2. review: Simply one of the best martial arts movies I speculate that King Hu must have left Shaw Brothers with a bad taste in his mouth after doing "Come Drink With Me". "Come Drink with Me" is also one of the greatest martial arts movies despite having room for improvement. This movie feels to me like King Hu made those improvements in it. I consider this his is his masterpiece. I compare it to the movies of Akira Kurosawa. Too bad that King Hu was nowhere near as prolific. This movie could even be considered his one hit wonder. King Hu seemed to realize the claustrophobic situation of of the good guys and bad guys face to face in the Dragon Inn was great drama but it had to be contrasted with as much wide open space as possible. In "Dragon Inn" most scenes outside the inn are shot in expansive panoramas. Like Kurosawa, King Hu appreciated the way moving the camera brought the audience into the scene. He used tracking shots, particularly during fight sequences, to get this feeling. Hang Ying-Chieh gets credit as action coordinator. He was the Big Boss in Bruce Lee's "The Big Boss". Remember when Bruce is cut, wipes off his blood then tastes it? Hang Ying-Chieh does the same here. The sword fights are Japanese style - starting with a suspenseful face off, then a sudden attack to cover the distance, just a few quick strokes of action, then stop and wait a few seconds to feel the results. A real sword cut is initially almost painless so the person cut doesn't know until he sees the effect of the cut. I rate this as one of the best of 1967 and I recommend it to everyone - not just fans of the genre - to everyone
  3. overview looks good: The Eunuch of the Emperor has ordered the commander of his army condemned to death for betrayal and insurrection. The commander's family was was murdered to cut off his bloodline, but his two youngest, a son and a daughter, were expelled from the empire to the outlands in an attempt to draw out the commanders confidant and adviser. In order to complete the plan, the Eunuch sent his ultra-secret Black Arrow Troop to assassinate the two remaining children and the advisor. The ambush: to be carried out at the Inn Of Dragon's Gate at the border. The plans fail as journeymen of great swordsmanship turn up at the inn. From that point until the end of the flic many battles take place. This film is a masterpiece of martial arts swords-play and speaks the tune of "The Swordsman" and the "Zatoichi" films. A must see for fans of classic Asian cinema. soldierswordmartial arts actionhair bunpoison76 more
  4. think I'll grab this one- summary: A story of a corrupt party official who attempts to sell an apartment building he has appropriated from the original owner and the struggles of the tenants to prevent themselves being thrown onto the street. review: Good film that explores a lot of the experiences of the poorer city folk. Good vs. evil on a smaller scale, yet all the more powerful for it. It's important to remember that this movie was filmed as the GMD was falling, and only released after the Communists had seized power. Thus I would recommend it to anyone wondering what it must have been like to live in an urban area during the fall of the GMD.
  5. yeah, if this is an XL cost, say $300-500, then I need final proofs. Have the BB steelbook set- have to justify somehow
  6. wow... what does the box look like that holds all this and roughly what's it going to cost?
  7. This is the most lean package release in recent history- are you referring to the packaging and extras?
  8. What do you see as disappointments vs successes? Is it titles or mastering?
  9. To make direct orders extra special, CM air-dropped them onto the deck of the pirate ship to sail around the world and get naturally aged by sea water and sunlight 🙃
  10. Looks like they gave this one a higher end treatment- somewhere between 2001 and Heat. Looking good, can’t wait!
  11. Wow, you've never seen Goonies?! Watch it! (One of the first movies I saw in theaters as a kid, yes, but showed to my daughter when she was 9 and she loves it)
  12. Definitely buying the lenticular, and likely the box depending on art; most CMs are pretty well designed, but art on a couple aren't as nice to me. If I had one issue with CM releases overall, it's the region B blurays. But hey, this is four-kae, so all good
  13. Wow those magnets turned out great! Have to admit I was meh on it when you showed the concept, but it really came together
  14. Thank you for confirming @Alali @ksosk do you still have boxes? I ordered all 5 but did not get one. Would love to combine ship it with my next set of pending preorders if possible
  15. Looks like we're shy of 100, but I may put in for a 2nd copy like I should have for 2001 if the shots impress!
  16. Thanks Veum! I didn't hear from @ksosk about the box. I signed up for 4/5 before the box announcement, and then put in for the 5th separate, so want to make sure I don't miss out
  17. These arrived today and despite someone at USPS smashing in a corner really good all 5 came through perfect! One question @ksosk - the housing box was not included could that get mailed to me separately, perhaps with my next hub order? Thanks!
  18. I think it important to note for all CM Blu Ray releases, they are all Region B... They all look nice, but I was disappointed to find out after purchasing a couple
  19. The 2001 edition ended up being ~$90 all in iirc

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