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Everything posted by Masterblaster

  1. HEADS UP !! as a friendly reminder DO NOT SELL ON MP also not through the PM system either. This is to protect everyone involved . This should be only temporarily and as soon as we can offer this service again you will be notified. PLEASE do comply fully with my request , any violation will be subject to account being restricted for an indefinite timeframe. Thanks
  2. Thanks for letting me know about your personal opinon , it says me from ordering one.. The mockup looks fantastic though , sorry its a big dissappointment for you . Take care John
  3. Welcome to our new member Leo

  4. Welcome to our new member Reagh

  5. Welcome to our new member Therehoflight

  6. I HOPE we get good participation from our Asian friends , would be very nice to see ! Take care JOhn
  7. thanks @pan for the translation. Would you like to be added ? Take care John
  8. Welcome to our new member useless watcher

  9. Welcome to our new member AAF

  10. I would just suggest since the shipping costs are so stupid high that we somehow match countryman to countryman this year if we have not done that already in the past Take care John
  11. ABER stay tuned , das UPDATE #4 (final) wird dich betreffen und ein paar anderen habe ich gesehen LOL... LG John
  12. ich denke mit der Chaos was so rum geht das es bestimt ein "fehl" scan war/ist... LG John
  13. @Catgirl ich kann es nicht recht machen fuer alle .. egal wie es gemacht ist nicht richtig ! LG John
  14. not sure @Veum @R1s1ngs0n @extantsrevenge what you think ? Are you going to be able to handle this this year ? Take care John
  15. Welcome to our new member Eightyyy2

  16. Welcome to our new member Kyle Moon

  17. Welcome to our new member peytonicmaster6

  18. Sorry @R1s1ngs0n just getting around to having a few hours ME time and looking through the Forum .... Im really liking this picture , it just looks beautiful ... hope the JB movie was good , i heard the next one will be a woman and although im not against women having such an important role for this franchise i do however disagree with wanting to put a woman in as Bond , hope this Franchise stays on track with the main character being a man..
  19. Welcome to our new member Moldy

  20. Welcome to our new member urbanshaft

  21. Welcome to our new member Deniso

  22. Welcome to our new member zoooctan

  23. Welcome to our new member Fettfan

  24. Welcome to our new member Maddog83

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